Alright, so. I'm very tentatively looking at this with an open-mind. I keep telling myself I'm not going to do open-invite games anymore after all the years of disaster and dead-ends, and especially with the Hype-comic games ending as they always do, yet here I am, again. That being said, due to the other games I'm in being of a much slower pace, I'm open to giving ASM another shot - rebrand or not. I wasn't in the last rendition, for a variety of reasons, but the ASM games have had a place in my RPing history for quite a few years now, so my internal debate is leaning towards taking the dive. [quote=@Gowi] I mean my CS's will be the best ones in the game...[/quote] Also, because [@Gowi] inadvertently, and foolishly challenged me with the above comment, my motivation for this is [i]slightly[/i] higher. He clearly didn't think I'd return to a public game, silly man. As for whom I may be interested in running, at the moment two come to mind, although I'm unsure on if [@Dedonus] wishes any challengers to his current Spider-throne. If so, I may be tempted to completely rework my Spidey from the ASM run before Dedonus took over, so as to match this world; and to cooperate with those who may wish to play certain gender-bent clones. I didn't get to do much with Spidey back then before that ASM failed, and I've still got my 80+ pages of base notes, plus additional full notebook of plot outlines from that time. Although, of course, they'd need to be adapted to a degree for this. Still, if Dedonus is up for a challenge... Other than that, my only current interest would possibly be Mimic - Calvin Rankin. A heroic rendition, as I don't believe my years-old idea for a serial killer version fits with this world at all. Former X-Man, possibly. Potential Avenger, perhaps. Unsure.