[B][U]Named [i]Jannah[/i] Crew Members and Generally Horrible People[/U][/B] -[i]Captain Radomir Pajari:[/i] relatively old; been captaining for longer than most of the crew has been alive; enjoys a predictable and reliable lifestyle; in a happy long-distance relationship with his politician wife; is a grandfather; -[i]Aaron Riley:[/i] mans the sensors on the bridge; overly informal; bit of an obnoxious jerkwad; enjoys his CBS All Access because of [i]The Price is Right[/i]; roommates with Stronin, one of the mechanics; used to wear an eyepatch; -[i]Kacey Ó hEachthighearna[/i]: current goal is to be the very model of professionalism; easily flustered by the crazy of her coworkers; she's Irish and Catholic; her job on the bridge is gathering information on any hostiles and other general info work; -[i]Yasuhiko[/i]: quiet Japanese guy on the bridge; -[i]Huỳnh[/i]: muscular guy with a goatee and crewcut; is of South-East Asian descent; has a bit of a foul mouth; -[i]Aglaea Akechi[/i]: half-Japanese woman; works as a mechanic; is a fan of schadenfreude; -[i]Stronin[/i]: has a robot leg; works as a mechanic; is roommates with Riley; robot leg may or may not have illegal upgrades; -[i]"Steakhouse" Tobias[/i]: wears sunglasses inside; chief mechanic; enjoys making his minions suffer from time to time; -[i]Schrijnemakers[/i]: some old guy who refuses to fix the vending machine; probably Francis' archnemesis; -[i]McMahon[/i]: one of Marco's gossip buddies;