[@KiraChan][@The Elvenqueen][@GhostWing] [center][b]Avir[/b][/center] [color=f26522]"Well then Calypso, nice to meet 'ya."[/color] Avir said. He then sat down, seeing as they might not even move for quite a while. Looking around, sniffing the air to see if there were any wolves in the immediate area, there were none. He looked curiously back at the border of the Vandrow Pack. Odd, their morning patrols seem to be running late. Or perhaps they had gone earlier this time? Hm... few wolves rarely change their schedule. Great, now he'll have to be extra careful when he thinks about getting prey from their part of the land. [color=f26522]"Hm... I find this highly amusing. Two rogues coming together to take care of cubs."[/color] The tiger said, shaking his head and practically shaking to hide his laughter. He just didn't think of the day. Once he calmed down, he asked the obvious question, [color=f26522]"What now? Do we get out of here and hunt more food?"[/color]