[h3][color=bedded][b][center]Thomas Richard Harrison[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][indent][color=bedded][i]Location:[/i][/color] [s]convincingly Friendly[/s] [b]Menacingly Armed-to-the-teeth[/b] [i]Orc Warband[/i]. [color=bedded][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Sana, Ntaj, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeNGml1MSWY]Keystone[/url] and a horse named Epona.[/indent][/center] When fate opens the path to thread upon, The possibilities for you in store, and since all the others are swiftly gone, One does not simply walk into more doors. If Master Wolfgang were here, he'd probably wager that killing all these orcs would give a massive boost to the party's experience and reputation. But then again he could probably cast a spell and incinerate half of whatever it was they had so unwittingly walked into, and another spell would have made the survivors dance irresistibly. The old wizard had a sense of humor after all, and the irresistible dance spell was relatively harmless, if not exhausting. Best done on mass quantities for some entertainment. And sometimes Thomas wished he was just as proficient with spells as his master was. It would make everything so much easier, instead of being such a glass cannon, fragile and weak. Did they mistake his form for being so sickly? Such now that Ntaj had carved out a walking stick/staff for Thomas to use? (of which he graciously accepted anyways, despite being atop a horse making it difficult to wield weaponry and objects of such length without falling). It was certainly no mystical rod or reality-warping staff, the lack of enchantments and makeshift nature of the object would make for a laughable wizard's implement. But at least he could stand up and maybe even whack a few orcs before they decide to disembowel them all. How much is it for a resurrection (not even a true resurrection mind you, but certainly not a botched up soul-infused golem or zombie) these days? [color=bedded]"Um...Err..."[/color] The boy flushed rose as he tried to manage the staff across his lap without causing to much movement for Sana while sitting behind her. There certainly was a distinct lack of words as Thomas tried to recover from the tongue-in-cheek reference to where he was sitting, and whatever it meant as he swallowed his hesitation. [color=bedded]"A pleasure Sana, I'm Thomas, Thomas Richard Harrison, Master Wolfgang's Apprentice."[/color] A more formal introduction with a distinction of being some old wizard's apprentice, which carried weight if and only if Sana was familiar with wizarding circles. Of which Thomas suspect few actually were since, he was probably the only one wearing colorful ornate robes which practically begged for highwaymen and robbers to take the clothes off his back. At least is wasn't mistaken for a dress right? If anything it's not a dress it's a tunic okay? So back to present company as now there was an actual throng of orcs before them, as opposed to the pack of orcs earlier which had greeted them ever so merrily. All as ugly and dangerous looking as the rest of them. At least the party's two half-orcs would possibly help diffuse cultural tensions, or perhaps they would add them. Then again they were not above using CrèmeWeiss or whatever the old guy's name was. At least the goose was well-cooked, Thomas usually strayed away from meats, but a bit of succulent goose was more than tempting enough to take a nibble or two while riding with Sana. And ah yes there was that issue of how Thomas leaned forward a bit and almost seemed to hide behind her as they approached the orc den. [Color=bedded]"I've got one spell that can take down a single target. Well pretty much depends on the moon tonight, just um, point at the one you want me to blast and then get us out of here..."[/color] A whisper of a plan in case of a betrayal as Thomas used Ntaj's gift to assist him in getting off Epona and back down on Terra Firma. Not as much a rejection of help but a want to maintain some degree of independence. [color=bedded]"I think I can manage for now, thank you for letting me ride with you though um... Even it is was in Wench Seat."[/color]