[center][h2]Jeremiah Dupree[/h2] Physical state: Chilled but healthy Mental state: Somewhat confused[/center] The door had opened. Jeremiah had not touched it, and at first he suspected Emil was leaving. Then he heard footsteps - someone actually approaching the door. A thread out of line with the pattern, not where it was supposed to be to have its best effect. Was now the time? The time to meet [color=ed1c24]Faye Desdemona[/color] in person, just himself and Emil? And, incidentally, the time to remind Emil of the consequences he was facing? The door opened. It was Emil who faced him and, just behind him, a haggard exhausted-looking woman who bore the faintest resemblance to the photographic plate he had seen. It was a surprise but, for now, not one he'd dare react to. She did not need that. [u]"Professor Dupree..."[/u] Oh the ways to respond. He was silent for a moment, the urge to remind Emil of the consequences should a true doctor come by rattling in his skull. Of course he was annoyed at the deception, to say the least. But those consequences were far more dire, particularly if they ever intended to speak with [color=ed1c24]Faye Desdemona[/color] ever again. "These... circumstances can be addressed later," he finally said. "They waste time we do not have - our presence will surely be missed soon." He stepped into the room, past Emil. "Though I don't suppose we had a 'Jeremy' in our group, did we?" She had requested his presence as well. She had, through means unknown to him, managed to call Emil to her, even risking imprisonment to speak with her. He turned to her, sitting on the bed still. "Hello. It is much better to be on this side of the door to speak with you, if I may so myself." He was not going to feign ignorance or surprise at the implied invitation to speak with a supposed madwoman. He did not like thinking their time was short but, well, it likely was. If no one missed the coat Emil now wore, surely Dr. Atkins would miss the two of them. Professor Dupree did consider himself something of a friend to the fellow teacher, and he had seemed interested in Emil. Their presence would not go missed, no matter the importance of the situation. Worse yet, attempting to explain would result in the two becoming cell mates of the one they now stood face to face with. "I assume you have told Emil what he-" Jeremiah trailed off briefly, considering his options. "-what he may be allowed to know?" That was well-established. [color=ed1c24]Faye Desdemona[/color] knew [i]things[/i], and what she knew did not necessarily need to be known by others, but by happenstance and the threads of the universe it might be learned regardless. But not by her.