[color=paleturquoise][hider=Patrick, Conrad][right][h2][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] C O N R A D "[/color][/u][/color][color=cyan][u] F[/u][/color][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] O U R S "[/color][/u][/color][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] P A T R I C K [/color][/u][/color][/h2][/right] [center][img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/00bc/th/pre/f/2012/020/a/4/self_portrait_by_deathmetaldan-d4n2rmr.jpg[/img][/center] [i][h2][color=cyan] "The Medic"[/color][/h2][/i] [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]N A M E :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Conrad J. Patrick [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]C A L L S I G N :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] "Fours", after his peculiar fascination with the number. [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]G E N D E R :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Male [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]A G E :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] 30 [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]R A N K :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] PFC [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Medic [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] [hider=Description Form] [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] H E I G H T:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] 6'1" [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] W E I G H T:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] 188 lbs. [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] E Y E S:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Hazel [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] H A I R:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Black [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] S K I N:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Caucasian, pale [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray] I D E N T I F Y I N G T R A I T S:[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] Scarring across left eye, and lip. Right arm tattooed heavily. [/hider] [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]P S Y C H A N A L Y S I S :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] "If you've got a problem with how I'm running this operation, feel free to file a complaint with somebody who gives a [REDACTED]" -Fours has a very strong force of personality, and very shamelessly so. He tends to disregard any comments directed at him personally, be them positive or negative. This is also the root of his tendency to care very little when it comes to social grace -he says what is on his mind, not what people want to hear. "Why the long face?" -Though Fours has little appreciation for others feelings towards himself, that isn't to say he is entirely without care. He likes making those around him as happy as he can, despite his methods for such being rather unorthodox, as well as his intention. He finds unhappy people to make him unhappy as well, because of his ability to sympathize -thus he works to make others happy only in order to make himself happy. "You mustn't rush perfection." -Fours possesses a mild case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is especially present in his obsession with the number four -if at all possible, Fours will do all he can to make groups of four, having once even gone as far as to cut himself with a knife in order to correct the number of scars across his face. He also very compulsively checks his gear -making sure everything is in place, loaded, and in working condition, taking up multiple hours per day. "Hippocratic Oath? I must've been sick that day." -'Conrad Patrick' and 'bedside manner' are phrases that will seldom find their way into the same sentence. In his training and experience, Fours prefers to get through medical procedure the quickest and safest way possible, not necessarily the most pleasant for the patient. His results are stellar -his methods, not so much. "Hands off the merchandise." -Fours, due both to his psychological state and rocky past, isn't good with close quarters. While he can work past this handicap with people he is familiar with, strangers (especially hostile ones) put him on edge when in any quarters closer than the average elevator. "Let's have some goddamn fun." -Fours has a twisted sense of pleasure. He takes less pleasure from common things such as games, jokes, etc., and more so from less conventional means -most namely pain, either coming or going. [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]M I L I T A R Y B A C K G R O U N D :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] (S P O I L E R A L E R T : I'm not exactly the most knowledgeable when it comes to Halo lore. I just like shooting aliens.) Born into an agrarian Outer Colony family, Conrad was raised as a working man. Some might say that mankind was made from stardust millions of years ago -Conrad says that he was born of muscle and blood. In his childhood, Conrad was a boy of optimism, a very short lived outlook on life. A father drowning himself in drink, and a mother far too scared to leave her room to protect her only child, lead to Conrad's disposition as is today. Several events scattered throughout his childhood only further pushed Conrad away from his family life. On his first opportunity, Conrad skipped town to enlist with the UNSC. While he certainly showed aptitude for following orders, he hardly excelled in combat training due to his struggles with his own mental state. However, he refused to let this hold him back, motivated by the need to escape his old home. He instead used his enlistment in the UNSC to work through his conditions, improving greatly over time. Even with surprising recovery from his mental struggles, Conrad never was the most suited for the front lines. In hindsight, he might've done better had he loaded more than four bullets in each pistol mag. Thanks to the influence of a mentor of his, Conrad found his true skill and passion in medicine. Trained in record time to administer aid in the front lines, became known for his skills with a scalpel and stitches, even more so than he had previously been known for his mental struggles. Though he had been briefly considered by the ODST program, he was passed by due to a stigma that still surrounded him, something Conrad himself had been blissfully unaware of. Conrad's name was spoken of greatly not more than a month later -a mission went awry ended with Conrad and his unit stranded in unfriendly territory, with no access to comms. The chatter surrounding Conrad spawned from tapes later recovered from the incident -seven minutes worth of a shocking display of intermingled surgery and gunfire. Four hostiles were found dead, each with four gunshot wounds blossoming red. The first aid administered in between skirmishes was enough to keep all but two of his unit alive to tell the tale, as well. This made ODST take a second look at the unassuming medic. After rigorous training, Conrad was accepted into the ranks of the ODSTs. This occasion marked Conrads second big milestone in overcoming his own mind, as he made great strides throughout his training. As time went on, logistics and the luck had Conrad reassigned to the 42nd Tactical, where he has been for just over a year. [sub][h3][color=cyan][u][color=Dimgray]L O A D O U T :[/color][/u][/color][/h3][/sub] ◦ M45 Tactical Shotgun ◦ M6C Magnum with suppressor and laser sight module ◦ Combat Knife ◦ Combat Medic Kit (Including equipment for Fluid Resuscitation, Hemorrhage Control, Airway Management, Medicine, etc.) [/hider][/color]