[@Pundii] Walsh is good to go. The dice have determined that Walsh owns a small 1 bedroom flat in the Gheit el Idda district. Quadrant E10. It is on the second story, which is the top floor for his building. The building is a smaller one sandwiched between two other buildings and only has two apartments - the main floor on the street level and Walsh's above. It is a large room for the main living/office area with a small kitchen off to the side along one wall, there is opening between the main area and the bedroom area that has no door but a curtain in it's place. There is a ceiling fan over each room and large windows that have cross hatched shutters you can see through, no glass on the windows. It is sparsely furnished. In the Cs place the following - Gheit el Idda, apartment on Shari Hasen El Akbar 3rd block from corner of Shari Abdin. Once moved to Cs page I will update the original OOC and place him in the approved character list.