[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] A[s] trap [/s]friendly band of orcs [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] Cremwise & Keystone[/center][/b] Cyne couldn't honestly say that she wasn't even a bit nervous. This was kind of a foreign situation to her, walking through what amounted to a military camp. It wasn't that they were potentially hostile or even the prospect of being greatly outnumbered. No, what was getting to her were the sheer number of arms hanging around. The orcs had already shown themselves to be neutral/friendly towards the group, and they didn't really have anything a tribe of orcs would want that they didn't already get from Cremwise's wagon. However, given the number of deadly weapons strewn about, it felt like you could trip and accidentally end up falling onto the blade of a sword. Despite this, she managed to keep a neutral expression. She kept Cremwise close to her and for the most part he kept himself well behaved. He probably figured that he had no real method of escape for the time being and there was no [i]immediate[/i] threat to his well being, perhaps if he continued to cooperate no real harm would come to him and he could find an opportunity to escape or even be let free. It was a faint hope, but you had to take what you could get. [color=#17c311]"Both Ntaj and I know Orc. If anyone else knows it, they haven't made it known. I'm better with Common and he's better with Orc. Take your pick. I don't think either of us are going to be overly busy for the rest of the night."[/color] Cyne said in response to Keystone. Despite her suspicions about Cremwise she was pretty sure at this point she'd be able to leave him be long enough to have a meeting or something if need decided it to be so. Maybe even in a spot with fewer weapons than people.