Bea sighed heavily, still not having started to eat anything, or even had taken a sip of her tea. There was just so much going on in her head that she couldn't do much of anything much. Her father's words spun through her head, the picture of her mother and sister swam before her eyes, and she was trying so hard to just figure it all out at once. She just watched him read over the letter. She looked to her bag that was on the floor next to her feet, thinking of all the research and notes she had in there. It felt like she had read over so much this morning and she hadn't gotten anywhere at all. There were so many variables that she had no control over that she couldn't pin anything solid down. And it felt terrible. All of this felt terrible. Bring up all this pain. All these memories. And introducing the idea that her father might not have passed as peacefully as they assumed. Her father had not been one for baseless paranoia. And he had felt like there was someone after him. Someone dangerous enough that he had delayed this letter a year to make sure that she was safe from them. But she feared that she wasn't maybe as safe as he had hoped she be. If they were willing to kill him over this, then they would likely be keeping some sort of eye on her even passingly. She was not outside their scope of vision. She just wasn't a target anymore. She looked down at Roger’s hand on hers, a small smile on her face despite the storm within it was nice having him in her life. Having someone who had known and loved her father as well. Someone still from her past who could understand at least part of what she was going through. He was probably her closest friend and she was glad to have him there. “I doubt he knows anything,” she said with a sigh, finally picking up her tea after he removed his hand. “He was just a simple delivery boy. The handwriting on the address was not my father's though. But it felt somehow familiar. Like I'd read things in it before at sometime in my childhood.” She sipped at her drink and put it down on the saucer again. “We could perhaps ask at the delivery offices to see if they had more information.” And she said we because she had just assumed that he would be doing this with her.