"So, I think you're all set--" [i]beep beep...beep beep[/i] "One second," Melanie begged, somewhat annoyed that her session kept getting interrupted. "This is Larson." [i]"Doctor Larson, hi. It's Lydia. I know I'm not scheduled to see you today but I was wondering if we could talk?"[/i] "I--Yeah, sure. Are you available to come see me now? I'm just about done with my last scheduled appointment." [i]"Actually, Jeff and I are going to go grab some food but I can stop by after that."[/i] "Oh. Well, sure, I guess I can do the same and then we'll both meet here." [i]"Perfect. Thank you very much!"[/i] Melanie said her goodbyes and smiled at her patient. "Again, sorry about that. But like I was saying, ideally, we'd continue to see each other no less than once per week, just let me know what works best for you." "Thank you, Doctor Larson." [url=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/sad-old-man-14144032.jpg]Carl[/url] slowly got up, his hand visibly trembling as he reached across the desk to shake hers. Melanie's heart nearly broke in two. It was rare for her to see elderly patients, much less one who would constantly remind her of her deceased father. Regardless of whatever ethics code she was violating, not that it mattered aboard the ship anyway, Melanie couldn't help but take care of Carl as if he were her own grandfather. "No, we agreed on Melanie, remember?" she rushed to the door to hold it open for Carl, the man not being nearly as fast as her because his bones wouldn't let him. That, and it's hard to move at a quick pace with a cane. When he reached the door, Melanie gave him a quick hug. His sad eyes got to her every time, and it was made worse by the fact that she was probably the only person aboard the ship who knew about his troubled past as well as his current problems. "Take care now, and I'll see you again soon." Once Carl was gone, Melanie hurried inside to quickly reorganize her office. Pick up some papers, put them away, rearrange the furniture a little bit and...done. She then turned off the light by the door before walking out, hoping no one else would recognize her and think she was taking appointments. The only reason she was working through the launch was because of Carl. He couldn't care less about such event, not after what he's lived through and has had to endure throughout his years, and Melanie was more than happy to help him in any way, shape, or form. But only him, he was the one exception. Hurrying along, Melanie decided to skip the view in order to get some food before her next and last appointment. If she had time, maybe grab a drink as well.