[hider=Hisaya "The Pale Spider" Kaguyo][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/l5r/images/1/12/Fubuko.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20130127205653[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Hisaya "The Pale Spider" Kaguyo [b]Age:[/b] 785 years old [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Oni - Elf [b]Class:[/b] Berserker [b]Weapons:[/b] Naginata, Katana, and Wakizashi [b]Bio:[/b] A young O-kuni thief turned rich artisan, influenced to become a warrior activist for her people before falling into an occult of darkness. Hisaya has lived many lives over the course of 6 centuries. She's loved and lost more times than she'd ever be willing to count. Now, she remains a devout warrior priestess to the Great Kagi Lord of The Tranquil Step. This path in her life is meant to serve as a karmic pilgrimage to atone for the unholy rituals committed as a chaos mage. Stripped of all magic, she is left with the burden of rage that once fueled her powers. With the aid of the Tranquil Step, she keeps her fiery nature at bay through meditation and honing of her bladed spider dance. [b]Special Ability:[/b] Complete 360 degree diameter field of vision within a 30 foot radius. This is the only ability that remained after The Kagi Lord of The Tranquil Step took away her chaos magic. Though she no longer possesses the ability to cast spells, she is knowledgeable about its use and application, proving to be a valuable consult about the arcane arts. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Her acceptance into The Hakumei is a controversial one, especially among humans who were the target for many of her blood rituals in the past.[/hider]