[@SMS][@Double][@Arty Fox][@Letter Bee] Drake followed them into the ship. Once inside and seated, the robot walking brooms brought them tea. He was still amazed that you couldn’t see the metal or machines inside the brooms. [i]Maybe I can take them apart when this is all over with? See what makes them tick[/i] Drake thought before he turned his attention to the others. Mac called him The Death Hunter and Drake just responded, “That’s what my targets call me. If you please just call me Drake. I assure you, you’d not like me as your enemy. My skills are in killing my targets and bring back their heads to my clients to prove I killed them. So please, Drake will be fine. For now anyway.” Mac and Cheese told them about their world and about the legends and myths that lived there. Once they had finished Drake sat back and thought for a second before he finally said, “Myths and legend are only that. Nothing but old wise tales. I’m sorry, but if there’s no science behind them. Then they’re not real. At least that’s what most of the scientist believe. Many of the creatures in Chrono have adapted because of all the radiation and corruption we humans created during our time of war.” Seth, the next to speak talked about his earth. Seth seemed to not know what his earth was like, but when Seth mentioned Rome. Drake laughed and said, “I’m sorry. Rome for me is a joke. They fell within months of becoming an empire. They thought they could create gods, but instead they only created a crater.” Mai’s world intrigued him. A world without fire power made Drake question how a long range attack would work. Her mention of swords made him smile and he said out loud, “Like those old samurai movies I’ve seen over the years. Sounds kind of cool really.” Once she was done he drank the rest of his tea and figured it was his turn. “My earth is, well like I’m sure most of yours started out the same. Humanity had to evolve and learn to survive. However, humanity in my earth never stopped learning. They let science and technology over take them. Soon robots like the brooms there walked the cities preforming all the jobs. However, you could see the metal and gears moving in the robots. Humanity thrived and science and technology kept humanity in a state of bliss,” Drake said before he sighed and added, “However, like most of us know. Humanity is a greedy being.” Drake looked up at the rest of them and continued, “Humanity warred over technology and science. If one had something the other did not. They either replicate it or took it. 9 times out of 10 it was just easier to take it by force. Thanks to the constant warring and use of advance scientific weapons. We ravaged our world and it turned into a desolate wasteland.” Drake sighed again and allowed one of the brooms to refill his tea cup before he continued, “humanity couldn’t live in the world we’d created because of our warring. So we created Arks. Domed cities to live in. Besides eating artificial food, breathing artificial air, and drinking artificial water. It was a good life, but that all changed when we found out what monsters our warring created. Thanks to our weapons, we mutated the creatures into monsters. They attacked our domes and our weapons that we once used to war with could no longer protect us from them. So Humanity turned to science again and created The Genetic Reenactment Conversion.” Drake looked around to see he had confused some of them. “Simply put: we created Super Soldiers,” Drake explained before he held up his right hand and small spark of lightning swirled around it. He lowered it and Continued, “These Super Soldiers or Angelics as we called them fought off the creatures. We thought we had found the solution, but then the Heartless and Nobodies appeared and our Angelics couldn’t combat them. Mind you we didn’t call them Heartless and Nobodies, but rather Shadows and Nexus. So humanity went back to science and created the Shadow Nexus by capturing the Heartless and Nobodies and extracting their DNA. They wanted to create Super Soldiers with their DNA.” Drake stopped as flashes of flames and the sounds of screams echoed in his mind. He gripped his cup of tea before he sighed to calm himself. “The first human test subject was a failure and all their research was lost in the explosion,” Drake said. He knew it was a lie, but he still didn’t know if he could trust them. What was inside of him might be a threat. It might even cause them to attack him. So he would keep it a secret. For now anyway.