You move on all fours to the left, searching for something to take cover behind. With some help from the lantern light you find a small wooden crate to hide behind. When charging for the small cover you found you find yourself face to face with another girl. -"Find your own hiding spot!" She whispers through gritted teeth. If you try to find new cover you might get spotted, but the wooden crate only offers cover for one. Would it really be fair to steal her spot? *** A). Push her out of the cover, every girl for herself! B). Try to find a new spot. [Hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +2 Temper: +5 Hapiness: -10 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Uneasy[/Hider]