[center] [b][color=Gold][h3]Duck | Male | 20[/h3][/color][/b] [color=Gold][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/c76c/f/2015/322/b/c/the_lands_unknown_by_len_yan-d9h3et3.jpg[/img] At roughly 189cm tall, Duck is slim, but fit. Not exactly the musclebound beefcake one might imagine upon hearing the word “supersoldier”, but make no mistake: he is in great physical condition and should be considered dangerous to the average Joe. Olive skin is pulled tightly over muscle and bone, and while free of acne, does have a number of dark moles particularly on the chest. A number of small scars are present across his face, but they’re not defined enough for one to notice them with a passing glance, save for one over his right eye, dividing his eyebrow into two unequal parts. His dark, straight hair is kept short on the back and sides, with the front and top having a little bit of length. He styles it back rather messily, something which earns him the contempt of some of his superiors. Still, nobody’s forced him to get it trimmed, and he likes being difficult, so it’s all groovy. A tight beard covers his jaw and chin, swinging around his mouth and under his nose to work in a moustache. The beard has a couple spots where it simply doesn’t grow, namely under the corners of his mouth and a strip on his left cheek. A large, hooked nose lays to one side, a remnant of some old nose injury perhaps. A pair of wide ears flank his head. With shorter hair, he might just resemble a tall monkey. When not in his combat gear, Duck prefers old, loose, comfy t-shirts and khaki pants. [hr] [color=Gold][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color] Duck’s a very smart guy, and he’s fully aware of that fact. It’s given him quite a bit of confidence. Maybe even too much. It’s rare for him to even entertain the notion that he might possibly be wrong. But he’s the brilliant mallard! When is he ever wrong? Haha…but, rare as it might be, it does happen from time to time, and Duck isn’t the happiest guy around when it does. He gets very defensive, quickly lashing out at those around him to deflect the embarrassment. He can’t be wrong. He must be perfect. And so too must those around him be, as any of his former coworkers could attest. He tends to toe the line between effective leader and terrible tyrant, going to any length to draw the potential out of those around him. They simply must be the best. The scorn of others doesn’t matter when one comes out on top. Yet... Duck is still human. He cares for those around him. And while sure, he can go too far when pushing others, he’s not blind to their frustration nor is he deaf to their complaints. As long as it isn’t in direct conflict with his own decisions or ideas, he’s open to suggestions. Now, from all of that, one might assume Duck to be some sort of calm, collected straight shooter. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Quick frankly, Duck’s a goofball. Not that he’s incapable of being serious, he just really prefers not to be. He makes quips and jokes at inappropriate times. He plays pranks and does terrible impersonations. Anything he can do to make people think that he just doesn’t give a solitary flying fuck, he does. He doesn’t want those around him to know just how much he really does care. Hell, he doesn’t want to let himself know how much he cares. Because when you care about something, you try so much harder to hold onto it. And the harder you try to hold onto it, the more it hurts when it’s ripped away. Honestly, Duck’s probably in the wrong field of work, not that he had much choice in the matter. He doesn’t handle loss very well, and unlike many in the project, actually had enough socialization and exposure to the outside world to actively care about human life, to understand it’s value. The thought that he might have to take a human life sits in the back of Duck’s mind, but he doesn’t pay it much attention. He’s pretty sure that he could handle it. God, he hopes he can. [hr] [u][b][color=Gold]Team role: [/color][/b][/u] Support -- Duck provides suppressive fire and anti-armor capabilities as well as real time battlefield intel through the use of his drones. [hr] [color=Gold][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][/color] [b](1) RAPID ANALYSIS:[/b] Given his enhancement, Duck’s mind is able to interpret, store, recall, and analyze information incredibly quickly. He learns at a hyper accelerated rate while being able to nearly flawlessly access his memories and thoughts as if they were stored on a hard drive. His processing is really only limited in how quickly he can get the information. [b](2) TACTICS:[/b] Not to say that Duck’s had any special tactics training, he’s pretty much on par with his fellow supersoldiers. But when shit hits the fan, Duck, unable to lose his mind to instinct, can instantly pull up centuries worth of military knowledge and find what would best fit the current situation. Duck cannot claim that he does not know what do. But knowing what to do and being able to do it are two vastly different things. [b](3) TINKER:[/b] Perhaps another product of his enhancement, but Duck is fascinated by machines and electronics and cannot help himself from poking around and learning how they work. More importantly, he seems to be obsessed by finding out how they can work even better. [b](4) R&D TABLE TENNIS CHAMPION:[/b] The entire Research and Development wing has tried and failed to overthrow the King of the Court. Who will be the next to kneel before His Majesty? [hr] [color=Gold][u][b]Genetic Enhancement:[/b][/u][/color] The idea behind the modification that Duck underwent was simple: enable the subject to access the long-term memory as quickly and efficiently as one can access the short-term memory. The actual details behind that, not so simple. And not so clean. But through the efforts of some of the top minds of humanity, coupled with countless surgeries and a gratuitous amount of drugs, the project was a success. Not only that, but so much more was achieved. Surviving subjects of the procedures demonstrated vastly enhanced cognitive functions following recovery. Subjects had little to no recollection of events prior to the procedures, but all experiences going forward could be nearly instantly recalled with near-perfect accuracy and quite a bit of detail. They learned at an accelerated pace, with a retention rate far beyond top percentile. Attentiveness was far past where children of that age should be. Bona fide lab-cooked geniuses, those kids. While initially those subjects were used in Research & Development, where they achieved some truly astonishing breakthroughs, the powers that be wanted to see some battlefield applications. Subjects with this enhancement made for prime candidates for leadership roles in the field, and when paired with other subjects of the N.E.S.T. Project, produced impressive results. Some minor psychological issues have been logged with subjects that have experienced combat, but we believe this to be a non-issue. [hr] [color=Gold][u][b]Armor description:[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/fb87/th/pre/i/2013/010/b/5/future_soldier_power_armor_by_fonteart-d5r2ax4.jpg[/img] Despite the bulky look of Duck’s armor, it doesn’t offer much in the way of protection. The plating is fairly light, with much of the weight actually coming from the complex electronics stored within. Movement is somewhat restricted, but not enough to be too much of a problem. It’s got a fairly dull color scheme to it. Great for operations in wooded areas, not so great for looking like badass. The armor comes equipped with an alternative source of firepower to the standard automatic rifle: the highly experimental laser weapon system. Mounted on the left shoulder is a fairly large cannon of sorts, capable of firing large, powerful bolts of energy that tear through armor plating. While handy, the laser cannon does require a rather long charge up time before it can fire, afterwards it will be unusable while it cools down. It’s powered by six yellow cylinders that clamp onto the rear end of the weapon. Those cylinders, however, are not just generators. Each one houses a camera, a miniature laser bolt repeater, and small anti-grav units in addition to the actual laser battery/generator itself. They can detach from the weapon itself and act as drones, capable of sustaining an altitude of about five meters above a given surface, and are usable up to twenty meters away from its base. The repeaters aboard the drones don’t offer much in the way of penetration, but against unarmored targets, they’re brutally effective. Duck has underwent a procedure, implanting a device in the back of his skull that connects to the base of the brain. His helmet can connect to this implant and receive and interpret simple commands in order to execute a number of functions. Cycling through the various camera feeds on his drones is easy. Actually piloting the drones is a bit tougher, but he can still manage it, however more complex maneuvers are beyond him unless he switches to the wrist mounted controls. He’s currently working on setting up an automated system for the drones, but as for now they still require manual input, which does limit their effectiveness. As far as the neurocontroller goes, he can theoretically pilot all six drones simultaneously, but only if he’s simply mirroring the same commands to each one. As of now, he can only work three drones independently in battle, and even that requires most of his attention and drops the performance of each drone. The fewer he’s controlling, the better his piloting and the more he can focus and what else is going on around him. Until that automated system comes online, he’s much more likely to use one passive drone to gain battlefield awareness, and one active drone to deal with threats...unless he’s charging the cannon that is. The cannon requires at least four drones attached to actively charge for its next shot, however it really only becomes feasible in combat if all six drones are connected and generating energy. After the shot, not only is the cannon drained, but the drones themselves are going to be low on power. This, of course, cuts down on Duck’s combat ability...but hey, experimental weaponry is experimental. They can recharge slowly over time, of course, but they can also connect to the large power bank that rests on the back of the armor. It resembles a large backpack and serves as the power supply for the armor, controlling everything from the onboard computer to the hydraulics on the limbs. The importance of this bank is so great that the majority of the plating on the armor is covering this power source. It’s simultaneously the strongest point and the most vulnerable. [hr] [color=Gold][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u][/color] Duck and his brothers Blue Jay and Robin have been apart of the NEST project for as long as they (or, for that matter, anyone else) can remember. The project is home as far as he's concerned, and if he's ever been even remotely curious as to his origins well...tough tiddies. His personal file doesn't have jack on his home or any possible relatives. Same for Robin and Jay. They'd know, having broke into the files on more than one occasion. The three are staples of the project, each having undergone a procedure that drastically enhanced their mental functions. Lab-grown geniuses, it would seem. They breezed through their education with incredible aptitude and swiftness, particularly the mathematics and sciences. Why, even as children, they were on par with most top scientists, something that the Project exploited without hesitation. The three became rather intimate with the R&D labs, helping to achieve a number of astonishing breakthroughs in many different fields. Of course, all research belonged to the Project, which didn't quite exist officially. What humanity didn't know could later be used against it, obviously. While they were incredibly valuable as research assets, the three were still subjects first. Along with their education and engineering duties, they were put through the standard military training and education regiment, along with a focus in leadership development. The idea was to create a series of hyper intelligent, loyal soldiers to move into officer roles for the Project's budding quasi-military force. For the most part, it seemed like they would be a success. With their success came a sort of freedom that many other subjects didn't get to experience. Their movement aboard the ship was more or less unrestricted save for a few key areas. They had free reign to communicate with crewmen. Securing information and media from the outside world was disturbingly easy, really. Robin drowned himself in books and comics, while Jay became obsessed with news and politics. Duck found himself more drawn to ancient movies and music. And sports. Duck somehow convinced his superiors that he needed table tennis equipment for his research. They obliged. Duck currently reigns as R&D's Table Tennis Champion. As training continued, though, so too did their research efforts. Their latest efforts were focused on advancing the fields of Energy Armaments (Duck), Cybernetics (Robin), and Artificial Intelligence (Blue Jay). If the project could equip their soldiers with better weaponry, enhance even the worst soldier with augments that greatly increase performance, and support those soldiers with legions of mass-produced autonomous warmachines well...what force in the universe could rightly oppose them? While progress has been smooth, the day has finally come for the boys to leave training and finally experience live operations. Duck may hide behind a joker's mask, but he is equally terrified and excited for his new team's first assignment. Simulations were no problem. He simply did what had to be done for the mission to succeed. If somebody had to die for that, no biggie, there were no consequences. But in live operations...well, people MAY have to die. Could he do that? Could he knowingly send people to their deaths? What would John Wayne do? [color=Gold][u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQj_yH7cMcY[/youtube] Alternate SRSLY Mode [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_-a9nVZYjk[/youtube] [/center]