[center][color=crimson] ♠ [b]Alexander • 2nd of Spades • The Diamond Looking Glasses[/b] ♠ [/color] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 18/18[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 14/14[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] GP 216g[/color][color=17758D]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] *No Condition *[/sup] [h3]Prime District Entrance [color=crimson]||[/color] Literally bumping into [color=9370D8][b]Acron[/b][/color][color=crimson]||[/color] Still Annoyed[/h3][/center] While Alexander had addressed the older man, the young behemoth next to him was the one to respond. Grabbing his bag rather unexpectedly, Alex couldn't help but get a little disgruntled, to say the least. The brute of a man appeared to be a Club, probably of low ranking. But, if this was the initiation he had to go through to start his studies, he would have to handle it for know. He would put the giant in his place later. He was surprised when the old man mentioned his ring. He had realized it was a Trinket of some sort when he had found it, but he hadn't known it was a form of Diamond magic. No wonder he couldn't figure out what it did. He would probably have to find someone with more expertise on the subject. Or not. He never really liked Diamond magic, far too mystical. His train of thought was broken by the old man taking a large step into his personal space and grabbing his hand. Alexander almost reeled back by the sudden step, until he saw the mark forming on the back of his hand. Guess that meant he was initiated. He also was surprised by a piece of something dropped in his hand by the old man as well. Turning it over in his hand, he saw it was a piece of liquorice. It was a bit strange looking, but it reminded him of the liquorice he uncle used to give him when his father was at a formal event. Alexander's uncle would look after him during the event, teaching him a few spells his father deemed to dangerous for him at the time. Reminded of the pleasant memory, Alexander deposited the candy on his pocket and bowed once again. [color=crimson]"Thank you, sir. I wish you a life of power and fame."[/color] Alexander said. The old man, while a Club, seemed to have a wisdom held by few. One of those rare people who Alexander saw as worthy of his respect. Taking a small slip of paper the man had outstretched to him, Alexander saw he had one of the better dorms. No surprise, considering his social stature. And Kaela of the Healing Hearts was in his dorm. He had heard of her powerful healing abilities, and hoped to befriend such a powerful ally. He didn't know the other two though. One was an Attendant, so probably just some submissive sex-freak. The other name, Jagred Degray, seemed familiar, but he was more of surprised that a Diamond would be placed in a dorm with two Hearts and a Spade. Probably some mistake. While Alexander was concentrated on the paper, he wasn't quite concentrating on what was in front of him, an action that was punished when a small white-haired man crashed into him while running backwards. [color=crimson]"Ah! Watch where you're going next time!"[/color] he yelled as he hit the ground, his suitcase flying out of his hand. He wasn't in the mood for this, and just wanted to deposit his belongings at his dorm and get on with his studies. Looking over to his accidental assailant, he couldn't help but recognize his features as those belonging to the men of the House of the Raging Winds. Great, he would probably have to defend himself against the raging, murderous freak. [@Iktomi] [Hider=Inventory on his Person] Treasures: Ornate Ring, Strangely Gnarled Liquorice Inventory: [list][*]Iron Rations[*]Spyglass[*]Writing Tools[*]5 Empty Books[*]Grappling Hook[*]Mess Kit[*]Hourglass[/list] Thematic Items: Suitcase, Coat, Identification Documents, the abstract concept of classism. [/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 12 Sanity: 11 Willpower: 10 Stamina: 10 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 10 Stealth: 10 Magic: 22 Vigilence: 10 Luck: 0[/hider]