Lucia Baker [img] [/img] She grew up the only child of a single mother. Her mother was a librarian. Her name Lucia, actually came from her mothers Favorite book. Don Quixote. Things weren't always plentiful growing up, but it wasn't as if they went without either. She grew up hearing little about her father. He has always been a non entity. She was sure her mother cared about him, but she never spoke of him other than to say she never told him, she was pregnant, so she didn't know if he knew about her or not. Lucia is a wonderfully creative person, she thinks outside the box, but that translates to a lot of chaos and mess in her personal space. She works full time waiting tables and bartending to continue to pay her way through school. She has her BS, but in todays job market, that means so very little. She is currently enrolled in a masters program for Emergency Management, with the ultimate goal to work for FEMA. At least that is what she plans. At this point in her life Lucia is focused on the right here, right now. A mentality that may make her seem less than personable at times. She doesn't care about much other than getting through one more exhausting day. Her dwellings of choice are the cheapest, most barely habitable apartment she could manage. It's not all about the money though, in her eyes this was a choice she made to help her in her career.