[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/dc4ca059458e6f05b495b43df5fbdde780e05604/c=68-0-1132-800&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2016/02/11/TXNMGroup/LasCruces/635907902273246262-FILMFEST-3.jpg[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Taqueria [hr][hr][/center] Caesar listened to Cecily's awkward verbal dance away from what she thought the older man was suggesting. And froze. His face contorted into a series of grimaces designed to keep something internalized, but over the course of the next two seconds, said defenses failed spectacularly. The veteran beater of wholesale ass exploded into a long stretch of coughing and laughing simultaneously. The mirth echoed from the walls and textured tile flooring of the establishment as the man himself covered the lower half of his face with his hands to avoid spewing partially digested taco fixin's all over his dinner guest. His flatware clattered to the table, a single, noble fork slipping from the rough eating surface to clang tiny, irregular notes upon the floor before coming to rest next to Caesar's square toed engineer boots. The coughing came under control long before the laughter abated. Tears formed quickly, obscuring his sight with liquid filters, blurring his view of the nigh ridiculous scenario but not removing it from his ever-sharp recollection. Every detail of her face and inflection of speech as the Forensic Technician tried to evade what she perceived as an attempt to engage her in nocturnal coitus-ly activities. [color=orangered]"Oh, oh... Oh Dios. Oh my God, niƱa... that, that was... You made salsa come out my nose, little girl! I haven't laughed like that since I was a little bandito. Seriously, haahhhh... Gracias, really."[/color] Caesar wiped his eyes dry and took a quick breath through his nose, attempting to dislodge the grains of rice and spicy, chopped tomato that presently resided therein. It took a couple of tries. [color=orangered]"Trust me here, Cecily. You're a little young, even with my history. M'hija's got more than a decade on you, and you are [i]seriously[/i] not my type. Safety, child. Talking about safety. Your own room with locks and a mini-bar. I don't date, anyway."[/color] A rather awkward silence fell over the table as Caesar finished his plate and Cecily reviewed the recordings. After business concluded, he spoke again. [color=orangered]"Look, I'm headed to catch the Derby. If you want to join, offer's open. I would still suggest staying [i]away[/i] from Boston Heights tonight. Stay with your cop friend, if you can trust him."[/color] He paused for a moment, regarding the very junior woman. [color=orangered]"Supper's taken care of. I'll call you a car if you want, give them my card info. Go anyplace you want to. Otherwise, I'll be waiting on my trike for the next five minutes if you change your mind. No hard feelings. Either way, I've got somewhere to be."[/color]