[hider=James Wylder] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8tjXqM3.png[/img] [color=gold][hr][/color] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/7e28/i/2015/326/a/8/killer_whale_by_withoutafuss-d9hnfxi.png[/img] [/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rju4b64.png[/img] Standing at about 5'8", James is best described as 'average'. Not skinny, not fat. Not out of shape, but not muscular. James is the kind of person who goes unnoticed when standing in the middle of an empty room, just because of his lack of "uniqueness". The only thing that really makes James stand out is his face -almost perpetually cut and bruised. James has a self prescribed "ironically indie" sense of style. He wears a strange mix of hipster skinny jeans and flannels alongside trashy bro-tanks and snapbacks. He almost always can be seen wearing his cherry red varsity jacket, in spite of any weather. [img]http://i.imgur.com/a6omw1C.png[/img] James is what those who know him best would describe as the 'classic cool guy'. He tends to get along with anyone almost effortlessly, even through his laissez-faire attitude. Of course, this isn't really the case. More than anyone else, it seems, he cares about what people thinks, and is an extreme try-hard when it comes to making others like him. That said, his temper is something rather legendary. He will lash out rather violently in the short term, but long term tends to not hold grudges. He is rather superficial, living for pleasure rather than success. [img]http://i.imgur.com/s2bf0z4.png[/img] [color=green]+[/color] Music, sans modern country [color=green]+[/color] Parties [color=green]+[/color] Personable people [color=green]+[/color] Attractive people [color=green]+[/color] Taking risks [color=red]-[/color] Inactivity [color=red]-[/color] Being disliked [color=red]-[/color] Unattractive people [color=red]-[/color] People who 'harsh his buzz' [img]http://i.imgur.com/rSXGEkL.png[/img] [color=gold]◦[/color] Selling drugs [color=gold]◦[/color] Partying [color=gold]◦[/color] Cross country [color=gold]◦[/color] Film [img]http://i.imgur.com/9I5NtrR.png[/img] Born to a John and Mary Wydler, James spent his time as a child largely alone. This was especially accented by the far too early death of his twin sister, who lived a miserable and sickly two years before tragically passing. John and Mary were out of the house for elongated lengths of time, working jobs in Riverside, while James was left alone to entertain himself in Greenbriar. The loneliness became even more prominent at the age of twelve, when Mary disappeared without so much as a note. Growing up, James tried his damnedest to not dwell on the loss of his family, filling the holes in his social life with as many people as he could. Eventually, this (and a lack of parental supervision) lead to James becoming very well acquainted with the "party-party-yeah" side of Greenbriar, where he began his 'career' in dealing drugs. In his high school years, James became one of the best places to go for a hook-up this side of Greenbriar. His personal stream of cash from his 'night job' allowed James to live far above his supposedly low-income. Though his father wondered, he was either working or drinking -never time to question his son. In this time, James made an impression on just about everyone in town, yet somehow never truly impacted anyone. He became something of a recurring side character in everyone's personal story -always there in some form or another, but never in the spotlight. [img]http://i.imgur.com/wJ06dsE.png[/img] He is not invisible, but rather others simply fail to notice him. Any items he is holding fall under this filter, as well as most objects that he interacts with, and changes he makes to the environment. The Catch: This power is always "on." The only times it stops affecting someone are when: 1) He is physically touching that person. 2) He extends the filter(by touching, interacting or holding) to something that that person is looking directly at. To reapply the filter, he must break visual contact with the person. When the filter is reapplied, the victim will remember seeing him, but will not be able to spot him again, no matter how hard they try. [/hider]