[@DancingEagle] Her appearance calmed down at the girls egar compliance. It was probably my her lack of food and rest geting the best of her emotional output. Keeping the keys clutched in one hand Jet moves from the girl. Towards [@Alisdragon911] at the bar. Grabbing from her pocket a wallet letting it fall rather harshly onto the counter. "Payment for the room. " As her anger and defense subsided she walked up the stair case. Her boots clicking asinst the wooded floors much harder than she would have liked. [hr] [Center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3][/center] The rustle of leaves was all to be heard against the clear setting sky. Colorful it was to see the hue of warmth fleeing from the blue of night. Which hailed more wind at her back as she ran. The howl of wolves around her as she to pitched into that song. Fatefully till what cold have been mistaken as a rock made a sound that shock the ground. Bringing her and the pack to a halt in front of it. Bears how she hated the creatures. Growling and snarling caring only about themselves and then only the females who care much for of spring. She hated them as much as she could hate a creature like herself. They had fought many bears to move pass but the aching of her legs had a sense she wouldn't last long. Hesitantly glancing around the thinning forest he spotted a faint glow. Humans dealt with bears much easier than her wolves would. They own guns to deal with these. In an action of preservering all life she ran towards the source. Hearing the wolves get the idea slowly to the forestthey returned. The bear coming after her quickly as the distractions ran off. Halting at the door to the place hesitantly she opens it, slipping inside as the growl of the large creature could be heard. Easily slaming the door shut leaning against it. She payed little mind to those on the inside of the building. More on the fact she could have let a bear inside and how stupid it was of an idea. [color=335566]"Они будут беспокоиться обо мне.."[/color] She mumbled catching her breath.(translation. They will worry about me.) A slow turn as she stood up straight as her fur hood fell down to her shoulders letting the mess of hair fall into her face. Swiftly she brushes it behind her ears. Her eyes latching onto the details of the place. [color=335566] "Such a pretty building." [/color]