[center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/9e524ca1e221c839f8ef7ab9fdd86462315d5734/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f443835445659482e6a7067[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Sophie%20Blackthorn%20&name=Art%20Brewery.ttf&size=100&style_color=00A6FF[/img] [color=00aeef][b] Location:[/b][/color] the party [color=00aeef][b] Interacting with:[/b][/color] Jack [@gowia][/center][hr][hr] As Sophie made it to the other side, something caught her attention and caused her to freeze in her tracks. Though it was discreet, the DJ was calling her out. At first, she wasn't sure what his lyrics meant, but then she saw him looking at her with somewhat of a smirk painted across his lips and understood completely what he was trying to do. He was calling her out and the very thought of it made her snort then laugh a bit. He was baiting her, and she was going to let him and play his little game, for now at least. While she wasn't much for trying to take center stage, just this once she was going to allow it seeing as how most of the guests were either drunk or trying to get it on; nobody would remember this in the morning. Sophie took a deep breath. [color=00aeef]"Bad little boy, trying to be a man. This little song bird has got to fly away, but for now, come stay and play a while."[/color] She sang back to him, just loud enough for him to hear her without going over the song. Rather than trying to sincronise with the music playing, she sang to her own tune in an act of retaliation while playing by his rules at the same time. Her voice was surprisingly eerie and ghostly, yet beautiful and sent chills up the spine, and her notes were much slower than the ones the DJ played. Her words were obviously a taunt, but the smile on her face made it more teasing and playful or a lame attempt of being seductive rather than it being hostile. The look in her eyes said: [color=00aeef][i]"Your move, piano man"[/i][/color]; as she backed away into cover the dark night once more.