Maisy puffed her chest out proudly as Haas started to speak, only to sharply exhale as Haas said that her talent was ONLY in underwear. It kinda sounded like someone just punched her in the gut. She was also great at finding out what socks people wore! Letting Haas finish his speech, Maisy had her arms crossed. Maybe if she showed them that newspaper article from middle school they'd believe in her stalking wait, that'd make them think she was just a by-the-book reporter. Maisy was frustrated that nobody TRULY understood the amazing thrill of stalking someone for a scoop, sticking to them like glue, and acting like an overly dedicated gumshoe. Lifting her index finger as she meant to spoke, she was cut off at the start by Megan. Oh, that was nice. Someone was actually going along with her idea. Smiling once more in spite of the interruptions, Maisy put her hands on her hips. [b][color=BC8F8F]"Alright! Maisy McKellen and Megan Clarinet are on the case!"[/color][/b] she finally said, not remembering Megan's last name. But hey, she was close. Like...6/8 is a passing grade. Hearing Megan then suggest that they get Leander in on the sneaking, Maisy's eyes lit up. [b][color=BC8F8F]"Yeah! If we have a Light Dorm pal showing us around and we keep a low profile, we can ask anybody we want! We'll just say that we were going to Leander's room to hang out. many Dark Dorm kids are really gonna pick fights with Light Dorm students?"[/color][/b] she said all in a long, drawn out breath. Catching said breath once again, Maisy flicked a pen out of her pocket and pushed the pin in on her cheek, her tongue pushed out of her mouth a bit and off to her side as she started writing something on her notebook. Step 1: Find Dark Dorm info Step 2: Don't get caught Step 3: [s]Find Leander's underwear drawer[/s] Find a way to sneak around and get info from dark dorm students directly. That seemed like a good list for now. Clicking her pen shut, Maisy stuffed it back into her pocket. This'd be fun!