Kalinda quickly got her feet under her as Kyle started to run, so she wouldn't be dragged along. Unconsioulsy she began to soothe the emotions around her, almost a defense mechanism so she didn't become a nervous wreck, but that went flying out the door as Kyle scooped her into his arms. The breath left her, and for one single moment she felt absolutely nothing. And then it was her own nervousness, and...jeez, was that giddiness. What was happening to her? As he began his leaping, Kalinda decided not to mention that she could fly, just yet. The simple fact that he thought she was worth saving made her feel...flustered. And confused. When he landed, Kalinda let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, and just hoped her face wasn't red. She cleared her throat after a moment, "uh...you...you can let me down now" She said softly. Up here, the other students emotions were faint. Sstill strong, but here it was almost...quite. Which meant she could feel everything Kyle was feeling, especially since he was touching her, and she found it hard to concentrate. Not only because her own emotions were confusing her. "I...I um...." She couldn't find any words, but she didn't need to get them out, as a sudden darkness seemed to blanket the school. For a moment the panic was so strong, until she pushed it away, locked the other students emotions and concentrated. There were birds chirping still. "It's an illusion" she said, with wonder, and before she had even finished saying it, it snapped for her, the day flooding back into her senses, and she flinched as a voice seemed to echo in her head. [i]"Oh? Very good, child! Quite a logical individual, then! Well, I knew there would be some of them in the school!"[/i] the laughter seemed to echo in her head, echo all around. She could hear teachers bellow calling out to students, and she laid a hand on Kyle's cheek, just as a cloaked woman appeared on the roof, seemingly from no where. [i]fhis woman is dangerous[/i] was the only thought Kalinda had, before she just about leaped out of Kyle's arms. She didn't hesitate. She aimed the emotions of her fellow students at the cloaked woman, bombarding her with the numerous emotions of teenagers, of teachers, a whirlwind of emotions that she felt all the time. And then the woman was gone. She was still around, Kalinda knew that. She swayed slightly, very pale now, and just about fell back into Kyle's arms. She didn't know if the illusion was broken for him or not, and she looked up, bleary eyed. "Kyle? I think I'm going to pass out" [@dabombjk] [hr] As the laughter echoed around the school, Phoebe finally reached the classroom. She spied Katherin, and began to make her over to her as the darkness descended. At once, Phoebe summoned a plant minion, to guard the door. "Can you hear me?" She called out to be class