[color=004b80][center][h1] Kyle Grayson [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=appearance] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca7f89b46eb53b5a3397d571c1471d7/tumblr_nhtggdLelZ1td8cquo1_r1_500.png[/img] [/hider] Kyle knew he was an illusion the moment it happened. Kyle could not break the illusion as easy, but thanks to his father and granfathers mental training Kyle was able to not freak out and handle the situation calmly. What snapped Kyle out of the illusion was Kalindas effort to help her fellow students. He was hit by the wave of emotions Kalinda sent out, and immediatley Kyle felt a surge of emotions, and some he was not used to. Kyle felt happiness, joy, excitement.....but also anger, jealousy, sadness. Kyle tried to process all of these emotions. While Kyle liked to put on airs and be theatrical, he did handle his emotions one hundred percent well. If he wanted to vent he would convince his family to let him go out and patrol the city. Fighting crime, that was something he was good at. It helped him deal without having to actually really deal. Kyle started to protest, not really thinking about just complaining to complaining when Kalinda snapped him back to reality. Kalinda was something of an enigma to him. She had just appeared in his life, randomly. In his room, on his first day of school no less. Kyle had tried to prepare for the new people he would meet, but he had so little experience with women that he had expected that girls would stay away from him. Kyle knew he was slightly attractive, he had beautiful parents and it has been said that he inherited his looks from them. But Kalinda....all he knew was that he became flustered around and that he wanted to impress her more than anyone else. Kyle caught Kalinda, falling to his knees and letting her rest against his lap. Kyle looked around and tried to locate the source of all this commotion, but he could not. Kyle brushed her hair with his hand and felt her forhead with his other hand. She felt fine but he knew using her powers must have taken a toll on her. Kyle heard a voice in his head[i]"Not bad, but the women was better. She could snap out of the illusion but you could not. I guess thats the difference between a REAL hero with powers and a FAKE one who doesnt."[/i]Kyle nearly swore out loud. He was going to make whoever said that pay. Kyle looked down and slightly blushed. Kalinda may be weak at the moment but she still looked beautiful. [@caits]