[Center][B]Helena and [color=a187be]Annabeth[/color][/b][/center] Helena smiled at Annabeth, nodding some. “If you insist,” she chuckled, waving her goodbyes to the others. “Guess I'll see the rest of you around then.” And with that she waited for Annabeth to catch up to her side and headed for the door, pulling her cloak close around her again. “Really, thank you for the head fix,” she said to the other girl, gesturing at her head for effect. “It's nice not feeling dizzy again.” [color=a187be]”No problem Helena. I do it all the time down at Underhaven, and if it makes the customers happy, it makes me happy.”[/color] Of course happy customers not suffering from a hangover celebrate by buying more drinks, which meant more business and tips for Annabeth. Annabeth chose not to mention this to Helena. [color=a187be]”So, where are you going first?”[/color] Helena smiled some. “Well it certainly makes me happy,” she chuckled. “And I'm sure happy customers tip more too. Strange still to me that you work outside of school like that. Though it really doesn't sound like a bad gig.” She pursed her lips some, thinking for a second. “Ah, my room I guess. Gotta get the last of my things in my bag.” [color=a187be]”Ah well… I guess it’s more like a hobby. Grew up in a tavern and did stuff like that most of my young life. I guess even away from home I can’t help but go back to my roots, you know?”[/color] Indeed, Annabeth had no real need for money. Most of the supplies she needed was given to her by the college, and aside from occasionally indulging in drinks and food, Annabeth doesn’t have many expensive things. The tavern floor just felt like home for Annabeth. Annabeth didn’t really say much else as they headed towards Helena’s room. They weren’t too far anyways, so the silence didn’t last. Once inside Annabeth glanced around and asked Helena something. [color=a187be]”So where did you come from Helena? You don’t strike me as an Eanian.”[/color] She stripped of her cloak when back in her room, tossing it on the mess of sheets and blankets that was her bed. She should make that before she went. Had to remember that. “Take a seat,” she said gesturing to the bed, or the little stool near it as she grabbed her bag from the floor and started to fold up the last little bit she needed. “I'm not. I'm from Djarkel. Port Slaughter,” she said over her shoulder at her. “It's about as fun of a place as it sounds.” [color=a187be]”Ah.”[/color] Annabeth took a seat on the bed. Her armor clinked together as she sat down. Now that she wasn’t outside where it was cold, wearing her armor inside where it was a bit warmer made Annabeth want to take it off. However that might have brought wrong signals, and considering Annabeth’s track record, she’d like to minimize the amount of dolls she plays with. [color=a187be]”I’ve only heard rumors. Pirate City, Thieves Guild rules it, has more murderers than innocents there… Uh, not that I believe any of it. Eanians aren’t exactly known for saying anything good about Djarkel.”[/color] Of course, most Eanians don’t know about Port Slaughter. What Annabeth heard mostly came from vampires in Underhaven, who do a lot of business in Port Slaughter. “That's not too far off,” she chuckled. “I mean, there has to be some innocents for murderers to murder. But even nice people like me aren't totally innocent. And I don't just mean in the lustful way.” She winked at her playfully before laughing and straightening up again. “You're from nearby though? I'll be honest, my geography isn't very good.”” [color=a187be]”Eh heh heh….”[/color] Annabeth laughed awkwardly at Helena’s comment. She pretended to ignore Helena’s comment about being lustful. Luckily Helena changed the topic to Annabeth, which she was more comfortable talking about. [color=a187be]”Something like that. Before I came here I lived at Eania’s capital, Shimmerstone. I don’t know the exact measurements, but I actually think Shimmerstone and Djarkel are just about equal distance from the college.”[/color] Annabeth was just guessing of course, she doesn’t even know where Port Slaughter is aside that it’s on the coast. [color=a187be]”Ah, that does remind me though. What mission were you going on again? Heading to Yarosmere, correct?”[/color] Helena shook her head some, noticing again how terrible her hair still looked. She grabbed her hairbrush and sat down on the bed near Annabeth to work out the few knots in it. “Ah no,” she said with a thoughtful look. “Actually going back to Djarkel. Going on the Nox one. Guard duty.” [color=a187be]”Oh, you mean the one… That I’m… Going on…”[/color] Annabeth was initially perky at the thought that Helena would come with her. But Annabeth was no fool. She’s been picking up her hints, and it made Annabeth feel uncomfortable, to be honest. Not because Helena isn’t a comely lass, polite and interesting, nor is it because she’s a Djarkel from Port Slaughter. No, the trouble was Annabeth. She didn’t want to admit it. She never really thought about it. But Annabeth has already slept with four different girls. She wasn’t sure if she was charming or had a problem. Annabeth never imagined that she’d be so… Loose. [color=a187be]”Ahem… Well, we could certainly use your help Helena. I’m not even sure what we’re heading into, so having a close friend- I mean a friend close! It’d be helpful! Yes, very good.”[/color] Helena raised an eyebrow up slightly, confused why she seemed suddenly awkward. “Am I making you feel uncomfortable?” she asked softly, putting her hair brush down in her lap for a second. “I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable at all.” And while she normally didn't mind making people feel awkward, she didn't want to make a friend uncomfortable if it wasn't funny for the both of them. [color=a187be]”What? Oh, no no no! Helena it’s not that it’s… It’s me…”[/color] Annabeth sighed and stood up. She wasn’t quite sure how to explain her feelings right now. Frankly it was just stupid. But it was a burning sensation that Annabeth knows how to cure, but she knows the cure to it is… Embarrassing. [color=a187be]”I mean, I barely know you Helena, and I do want to know more about you. Your home, your life, what you like, what you hate. Befriend you, basically. It’s just that… Welll…”[/color] Hiding her blushing face behind her hands Annabeth spoke quietly. [color=a187be]”You seem so… Mysterious. And beautiful. And strong… And well, I can’t help but feel attracted to you, a-and there’s nothing wrong with you! Like I said, I just think I might have a problem.”[/color] Annabeth almost felt like bolting. She wanted to tell Helena everything, really, but Helena was still a stranger to Annabeth. And what kind of person was Annabeth that she’d tell a total stranger all her problems and her feelings? Sure she wants to befriend her, but Annabeth has barely known her for an hour! Surely this isn’t normal. Helena chuckled softly and shook her head some. “So I am making you feel uncomfortable,” she said, watching the other girl curiously. “I dunno if I'd say I'm mysterious. But I'll take beautiful and strong.” She pulled her legs up under her some, tilting her head a little bit. “I'm not trying to rush anything here. And I'm certainly surprised that you're attracted to me. I was just being me, being friendly.” She went back to brushing her hair, letting Annabeth regain her composure. “I've kinda got three moods. Sassy, flirty, and angry. There's some overlap. But that's basically all. If you don't wanna peruse anything now, or ever, that's perfectly fine. Just know my flirting is in good fun. I wasn't directly trying for anything.” [color=a187be]”I-I know, it’s just that, well, um…”[/color] Annabeth sat back down on the bed, putting some space between her and Helena. It was a good thing that Helena couldn’t read minds because even if Annabeth had good wards, her thoughts were easy enough to see. Her legs squirmed and Annabeth held her hands close to her body as if she was trying to hide something (though her armor made it pretty easy to hide everything). [color=a187be]”I do, kinda… Want to… Do you… If you want…”[/color] Annabeth covered her face again. She couldn’t believe that this girl, who is usually in control of her emotions and on top of things, was acting like some shy maiden. Normally she’s more aggressive too. Annabeth figured it was just because she was starting to realize that, maybe, just maybe, she’s kinda a whore. It was very easy to see how nervous she'd gotten, but Helena was polite enough to hold her tongue and let her say what she wanted and not just what her fidgeting was trying to say. But she still rather surprised to hear her say it so frankly. “I do,” she nodded, smiling at her with a smile caught between kind and sly. “But not right now. I'd like to get to know you too. And we've got plenty of time for that while we travel. Besides, my boyfriend always tells me that waiting is what makes things worthwhile.” [color=a187be]”Oh my god. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean- I should have know, I mean… Oh gods I can’t believe I was actually thinking about going through with that…”[/color] Annabeth stood up and looked more distraught than embarrassed. It was one thing that Annabeth kept having these lewd intentions with every cute girl she meets, but Helena had a boyfriend already! This would as bad as if Annabeth tried to seduce Mar from Athalus. Now her feelings were even more complicated, since not only did Helena accept Annabeth’s proposal, but that was despite the fact she had a boyfriend! Annabeth just wasn’t sure how to think about it. Annabeth had to calm herself down. Fortunately she had magic for that. A quick charm and Annabeth was able to start breathing steadily again. She needed to think about this logically. There was nothing wrong with Annabeth liking Helena. Morally, Annabeth shouldn’t make Helena cheat on her boyfriend for Annabeth. She has heard her tales of cuckolding back at the tavern at home, and Annabeth would rather not be the subject of one such tales. But at the same time, Annabeth would feel better if she actually get to know Helena as a person before they got intimate. At the very least, it would ease Annabeth’s conscience to sleep with a friend for benefits than to just hit-and-run for the sake of slating Annabeth’s desires. [color=a187be]”Yes… Yes you’re right. I’m rushing into this too fast. I just need to think, take it slow… Let things happen naturally.”[/color] Breathing more steadily, Annabeth was starting to feel less skittery now. She was even able to look at Helena without being embarrassed. [color=a187be]”Thank you Helena, for understanding. I… Want to know you more. So! Are you done packing?”[/color] Wanting to change the subject to something slightly more serious, Annabeth didn’t notice any weapons with Helena. Perhaps she used daggers? Or fisticuffs? [color=a187be]”Do you have a weapon? Since we’re suppose to protect the other students, we need to be well armed.”[/color] “Annabeth,” she sighed, watching her reaction. That was sorta what she'd expected, but it was still amusing to some degree. “Denny and I have an understanding. He knows. He has the same freedom to see other people as I have. Don't let that bother you.” If it didn't bother Helena, and it didn't bother her boyfriend, then it wasn't going to be Annabeth doing anything wrong. “I have a nice selection of knives and daggers,” she said when asked about weapons. She patted at the blade that was visible on her belt, one of the few she openly carried. And actually the only one on her person at the moment. A few were in her bag, but most she planned on putting in their proper places in boots and such when she changed her clothes for traveling. “And while I'm done packing, I do still need to change. I kinda slept in these clothes.” [color=a187be]”Oh. Well, daggers are useful. Cunning and quick. More of a sword person myself, but to each their own.”[/color] Annabeth patted her belt before realizing that she didn’t bring her sword with her. She did have her dagger, though it wasn’t fancy as Helena’s own blade. Just a simple, practical single-edge knife capable of cutting or stabbing. When Helena mentioned needing to change Annabeth’s face grew red again. Helena and her boyfriend might be alright with it, which did ease Annabeth’s own conscious about it, but she definitely knew that if Helena stripped in front of Annabeth… It would be temptation that Annabeth would fail. [color=a187be]”Oh, of course. Ah… I can step out if you’d like. I think my room is nearby too, I should go pack. I think we might be close enough that you’ll still be under my spell even if I leave.”[/color] Helena shrugged and tossed her hair brush into her bag now that she had gotten her hair back under control again. “That's your choice, I take no offense if you want to leave.” She kicked off her boots and stood up while Annabeth decided. That shouldn't be too much temptation for her. “I shouldn't be too much longer anyways. We can always meet back up in the hall.” Annabeth nodded her head and decided to step outside. Once she closed the door behind her back she sat down and let out a breath. Her chest felt so hot. She wasn’t sure if it was because of her armor or because of her feelings for Helena. And despite her spell and Helena’s own words, Annabeth couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. Even if Helena was alright with it, Annabeth wondered how others might think. What if rumors start to spread? Worse, what if Colette and Keri figure this out? Would they be angry at her? Surely not, but still… Annabeth just wasn’t sure what to make of this situation. She needed to get her mind off of it. So Annabeth headed back to her room. Unfortunately, Annabeth’s room was too far for her to maintain her spell with Helena. Once Annabeth returned to her room, the hangover came back to Helena. Helena stripped of the rest of her clothes and redress fairly quickly. But by the time she was done, she was feeling the effects of her hangover again. Which meant that Annabeth had headed back to her room which was a little too far away. But since she'd eaten now, it wasn't as bad as it had been just twenty minutes before. Once she had all her weapons in place, she pulled her cloak back around her shoulders, double checked her bag and person, and headed out of her room with her bag hanging from one shoulder for the time being and went out to find Annabeth again. Back at Annabeth’s room, she had already packed most of her things. Annabeth felt a fool for forgetting that she had already done so earlier that day. But now that she was here, she figured she could at least strip out of this armor and into something more comfortable. She traded her coat of plates for a coat of fur, made from bear hide. It was just as warm, but far less heavy. She also turned in her armored gauntlets and boots for a more conventional pair of leather, fur-lined variants. Once she was redressed Annabeth neatly laid everything in her room down ready to be picked up once it was time to head out for the missions. Then she left to meet up with Helena, who was already doing the same. Wasn’t long before the two found each other. [color=a187be]”Ah. Done already? We should go to the mission board and see what our jobs would be.”[/color] Helena smiled at Annabeth when she saw her again, waving a little bit. “Just needed to change my clothes is all,” she chuckled, gesturing Annabeth to lead on. “Prolly should rebraid my hair too, but at least with it down it helps keep my ears warm.” [color=a187be]”Yeah, bulky armor is warm, but maybe not good for casual clothes.”[/color] Annabeth looked down at her considerably more comfortable fur coat. Now that Helena was here the two girls moved onwards towards the courtyard where the mission board was. With any luck there were still quest sheets up; some students have been ripping them off the wall and thus depriving other students a chance to learn about it. At least knows what she’s looking for, she just needs more details on it. As Annabeth and Helena walked, they ran into another couple. [color=a187be]”Oh. Hello Keri, hello Collete.”[/color] Helena waved at the pair of girls, smiling at them both. “Morning all,” she murmured, stopping her forward motion to at least have a short chat with the other girls.