[center][color=17758D]♣ [b]Fitzgerald "Fizzy" • 3rd of Clubs • The Spinning Cogs[/b] ♣[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OSYynKp.png[/img] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 26/26[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 14/14[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] 85 GP [/color][color=17758D]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] [@Kimi][@Iktomi][@RedDusk] * No Condition *[/sup] [h3]Prime District Entrance [color=17758D]||[/color] Spending time with [color=lightpink]Kaela[/color], informing [color=9370D8]Acron[/color] of his discovery, [s]ignoring [color=B22222]Jegrad[/color] forevermore, the swine[/s][color=17758D]||[/color] Experiencing a sudden world-shattering realisation[/h3][/center] Fizzy froze for a moment as Kaela gave him a hug, but only for a few seconds. He wrapped his arms around her and spun her round in a big circle, plopping her down safely with a grin. [color=17758D]"Well how do you do, all the same."[/color] Fizzy said, raising an eyebrow and tipping his hat. [color=17758D]"You too, Lemmy. You are, no doubt, quite a hit with the lady bush babies."[/color] It seemed Fizzy hadn't [i]quite[/i] cottoned on to the fact it was a sugar glider - which might be a good thing, as he'd probably try to feed it sugar to make it fly. Perhaps he'd even go so far to buy his own and make tiny machinations for the creature to improve it's flight... now that he thought about it, perhaps Kaela's pet would do better with a set of small aviator goggles? [center][color=hotpink]"Isn't he a cutie?!"[/color][/center] He couldn't hide the grin that spread across his face at her genuine delight at the world. [color=17758D]"Well,"[/color] he said, offering her his arm, [color=17758D]"Perhaps we should head over to registration-"[/color] [center][color=crimson]"Ah! Watch where you're going next time!"[/color][/center] Fitzgerald glanced over to see what all the cafuffle was about near the stewards. Acron had - very kindly, Fizzy had no doubt Acron had spotted him and decided against ruining his moment - decided to mosey on over to get processed (flirting with as many people as he could as he went) as some dapper gentleman got his panties in a twist about dropping his suitcase. Well, perhaps Fizzy should of been rooting Acron on in this situation, but the inventor couldn't help marvelling at what a wonderful set of clothes the gent who'd fallen on his arse was wearing. Fizzy himself tried to dress as well as he could, and hoped that taking Missions with the Spire would enable him to earn enough living to buy some more lavish clothing.... Wait a second. Something was off about this situation. Fizzy looked around, seeing the sheer number of people who'd had a bit of a a fall this morning. It seemed highly unlikely this was all just coincidence. He wondered if this was some sort of craze he didn't understand? Many of the upperclassman seemed to be participating in such an affair. Perhaps it was a new form of greeting, or maybe.... a [i]courtship[/i] ritual? Fizzy gasped, turning to Kaela with sudden understanding, his face slightly ablush. For the smallest of seconds he wondered if he would partake, but the poor girl had only just met him, and it was still wildly approrpiate for him to make any sort of motion for a Heart's heart. [color=17758D]"You know I've just seen a good friend of mine get into a bit of trouble. Would you mind wandering over with me?"[/color] and with that he quickly made his way up to Acron, butting in between him and Jagred and then outright ignoring the man as if he wasn't there. [color=17758D]"Acron!"[/color] Fizzy hissed into his ear urgently, casting a quick glance at Kaela to make sure she hadn't heard. [color=17758D]"I do believe he's hitting on you!"[/color] He stepped back with a wide grin, clearly very pleased about figuring this all out, and then stepping back to Kaela's side happily. [Hider=Inventory on his Person] [color=17758D][b]Treasures:[/b][/color] None [color=17758D][b]Inventory:[/b][/color][list] [*]Scittering Potion x 2 [*]Low Grade Alchohol x5 [*]Hidden Pouch: FULL [*]Iron Rations x3[/list] [color=17758D][b]Thematic Items:[/b][/color] Cane, Tophat, Letter, Old Photo, Identification Documents. [/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 14 (Base) Sanity: 11 (Base) Willpower: 11 Stamina: 11 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 14 Stealth: 10 Magic: 10 Vigilence: 11 Luck: 3 [/hider]