[color=ed1c24]"Certainly not you dumbass."[/color] Andre said as he spit on the ground and turned his attention to the others. Vincent had trounced them but it wasn't exactly unexpected. If Andre had any sense of hypocritical bull shit inside of him he'd call out Vincent on treating him like that when he intended to actually try to help someone for once in his life. He wasn't afraid of Vincent. He wasn't afraid of anyone anymore not after all the things he's been through. Andre looked over to the poor crew and shook his head before turning away. He wanted no part in this if anyone of the guards came along to bark at him he'd tell them exactly what happened without lying. He saw three jerks trying to confront a fellow student, and he moved in to stop it in his own way. Still seeing as he wasn't in the hot seat just yet Andre turned on his heel and went back towards light dorm. He pulled out his homework yet again and prepared too finish the last parts of it. He may as well get some rest afterwards. He was feeling pretty tired already with all this commotion going on. Inwardly Andre figured he'd best go and transfer out of this school as soon as possible. This place was full of trash students, trash people, and trash teachers. He may not be a bucket of god damn sunshine and rainbows but he wasn't doing anything wrong. He wasn't forming some weird ass inquisition, he wasn't hunting down other students, and he did his studies like a proper student. No point in dealing with all of this crap for longer than he needed. He'd have a reference to tell prospective students to stay away though.