Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak observed the exchange between Meirin and Tyrael and, from his perspective, the truth about Lyn probably lay somewhere in the middle. Admittedly, Meirin was probably treating Lyn as a child, though Ssarak certainly could not blame her. She was young, far younger than any adult of any thinking race or species he had ever heard of. When his children were her age, they were still infants. Even Ssarak had a hard time seeing Lyn as being as mature as she actually was. For the majority of people, it would be difficult to reconcile the concept of a person going from birth to adulthood in less than the span of a year. For that reason, if she was going to be joining in their mission, it would perhaps simplify matters if they created a background for Lyn that was more “believable” than reality. However, while Lyn was mature, Ssarak did not know if it would be wise to have the [i]exact[/i] same expectations for her as any other adult. Because of her unique physiology, there were unique challenges that she was going to face. [color=f7941d]”Personally, I do not believe it is useful to compare you to anyone else, Naga or Human, Lyn. As fortunate or unfortunate as you may find it, we cannot escape the reality that you are fundamentally unique. Since your birth, you have matured at an unbelievable pace. Your mind absorbs, understands, and retains far more information, far more quickly and efficiently than any other person could hope to match. It is exceptional, almost supernatural; I personally wish it was something I could study, but that is beside the point. The point being that you are capable, mentally and physically, of doing this. The mission, I mean. ”[/color] Leaning forward onto the table, Ssarak took on a more serious tone. [color=f7941d]”However, there is a detail on which I do not agree with you entirely, Tyrael. No matter how exceptional your learning abilities, Lyn, there is something that cannot be taught: experience. Most people have well over a decade, usually almost two, of mistakes and successes to build their judgment before they are considered an adult. You simply have not had time to gather those experiences. Granted, you will learn from your experiences far more quickly, and of course, the only way to gain experience is to go out into the world and [i]have experiences[/i]. I do not wish to persuade you in any particular direction, I just want to lay out the full situation as it is. Djarkel will be dangerous, and you will certainly be exposed to things you have never experienced before, not all positive. It is up to you if it is the environment in which you want to gain your real-world experience.”[/color]