[hr][hr][center][h3][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Woods North of Salarn, Day Three, Orc Encampment [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With: [/color] His Team [/center][/b][hr][hr] Splitting the group... this was not remotely what Keystone intended when he suggested that the group keep together. All the same, when the War Chief of an Orc raiding party politely (for them) requests the presence of the people who speak for the group, you go. Especially when surrounded by a hundred or so of his ardent followers, each armed to the teeth and not particularly happy with the local Human population. Keystone decided to make another suggestion or two to the group. This time, with incentive if they acquiesced. [color=b8860b]"Bloody 'ell. Right then. Guess we're jumpin' 'eadfirst into this round-robin cobyank, like it or no. Make you lot a deal - Set up a presentable camp, get me a good, low fire a'poppin, an' I'll make us something hot for our bellies tonight, ey?"[/color] He looked around at the total of his group; some faces were more stoic than others. Nervous faces could make their night more difficult. He unslung his massive pack, leaving it with his people. [color=b8860b]"Heads high, soddit. We're the dangerous bloody 'umans they've been told about, right? We're all we got, just now. Some o' you get some good burnin' wood, some o' you claim a space and look after our stuff, till we get back. 'Preciate, you all. Cyneburg? Mayhap you should come with. You're one o' them neutral woodsy folk, yeah?"[/color] Regardless of his party movement, or lack thereof, the strangely "with it" Pugilist turned to follow Brezcar. He set his gaze to a curious visage of alert confidence, similar to the way he would appear when walking to a ring or pit for a prize bout. It was classic Keystone: part brash and cocky, part reserved and waiting. He was a warrior, no doubt. He wanted the Orcs around him to know it. Keystone made certain that the hood to his masterful hide coat was down, as better to show off his steel-grey eyes and collection of facial scars. He wasn't classically armed, obviously, but he intended to garner the grudging respect of the other warriors in this place.