Drake was about to argue with Tocsax, but the alarms caused him to stop. He followed the rest of the group outside. A large group of Heartless was attacking the people. Tocsax gave everyone an order which angered Drake. [i]Simple rescue of civilians. It’s such a waste of my skills[/i] Drake thought. He would not argue however as he charged towards a group of Heartless that surrounded a small group of people. He quickly took out his two revolvers and shot at the heartless he didn’t hit them however, but hit the ground near them to get their attention. He smiled and said, “What? You think I’m scared of the dark? Come on and try to take me on. I’ll show you why they fear the Death hunter!” the Heartless turned their attention to Drake as he yelled to the group of people, “Don’t just stand there. Move!” the group of Heartless charged towards him. Drake placed his revolvers back in their holders and ran the other way. [i]Damn it! I shouldn’t be running but killing these damn creatures[/i] Drake thought before he skidded to a stop and turned towards the Heartless chasing him. He removed his Blaze Blue sword from its sheath and waited. [i]How bad could it be to just attack them[/i]? Drake thought. One of the Heartless behind the group, a Large Body slapped its stomach before charging towards Drake. It collided with the Heartless in front of it and sent them flying. Drake quickly took out one of his revolvers and shot at the Large body. Its shield deflected his bullets as he shouted, “Shit!” he dived to the side as the large body ran past him and slammed into a house. Drake quickly stood back up and said, “When the hell did they get their hands on a Force Field Generator?” The Large Body walked out of the large hole it left in the wall and slapped its stomach again before it charged towards Drake again. Drake once again rolled out of the way, but this time the Large Body was able to swing one of its arms towards Drake. It’ fist slammed into Drakes body and flung him into the air before he landed hard on the ground. He gasped as it felt like all the air was sucked from his lungs. The Large body turned towards another group of people and started walking towards them before it stopped and turned towards Drake who had gotten back to his feet. Drake wiped the blood from the side of his mouth as he said, “alright your fat bastard. I’m not playing anymore.” Lightning started to spark around Drake body as he placed his Revolver back into its holder and pointed his sword at the Heartless and added, “You better hope I kill you before [i]it[/i] gets a hold of you.” The Large Body once again charged towards Drake. A smile formed on Drake face before he charged towards the Heartless. He didn’t however see the second Large Body in the area. The second Large Body slammed its stomach into Drake and sent him flying. He skidded across the ground before coming to a stop. For a few seconds Drake lay on the ground before he slowly started to get up. “Should haven’t have done that,” Drake said as a sadist crooked smile formed on his face. The two Lager Bodies looked at each other before the first slapped its stomach and charged towards Drake. Drake stood up and looked at the Large Body. His hazel brown eyes changed to blood red. His shadow extended and tendrils shot out from it. The tendrils hit the Large Body and pushed it back since they couldn’t break the shield. The Large Body skidded back and cocked its head at Drake. The tendrils slithered back and their tips formed into snake heads with glowing blood red eyes. Drake licked his lips as he said, “Let’s see if the darkness fears death?”