[center][i][b][h3][color=59EEE9]Abbie Ollah McGumffery[/color][/h3][/b][/i] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/5b7faae37a1a4b485bc9be01321413bd/tumblr_nro0bzXPcD1ty8mi0o2_540.gif[/img] [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/271f3cfe0aa68731b1ed8cb9946bc1c8/tumblr_n811s0xzBS1qbmf9wo1_500.jpg][u]Outfit[/u][/url] [b][color=59EEE9]Location:[/color][/b] Home --> School Cafeteria [b][color=59EEE9]Interacting:[/color][/b] Clydey [@Klaykid][/center] [hr][hr] [center]The [i]stress.[/i] Oh, the stress. Her head turned from side to side, looking for some medicine in the small kitchen cabinet. Thoughts were running through her head. Pessimistic thoughts. The contrary. Thoughts that held no meaning whatsoever. All shooting at her with no warning. Her father coming home drunk was almost a daily occurrence however, it was never something that interfered with [i]her[/i] life. It just wasn't. Apparently, father-daughter relationships are important. Well, if that was the case, Abbie was fucked. No matter if you think that a father to a child plays a large role in a young girl's life, that wasn't the case for Abbie. [i]Does he even know what a pain this is? My first day of school and it just looks like I'm ditching.[/i] The worry. Oh, how she worried about him. She worried about how sick he was and how much she would have to tend to his needs. The vomit was all over the kitchen floor and Abbie's nose twitched as she attempted to breathe out of her nose. [color=59EEE9]"Jesus. Should have fucking went over to the bathroom earlier Duncan. And- Fuck! Your hair. It's getting all in your damn hair!!"[/color] How could a father be in the way of her life? How could he not prove to be useful at all? [i]If he died, it would be one less o-[/i] She shook her head, smacking both of her cheeks and exiting the bathroom after he seemed to be able to take care of himself. Her clothes looked as if it was decorated with spew. Throwing off her clothes before taking a quick shower and putting on whatever she deemed comfortable. Which was a gray oversized sweatshirt, a pair of jeans with more holes than what you would see in a fashion magazine, along with black sandals that made her feet feel like they were in heaven. [i]Great. 12 pm.[/i] Abbie headed to school on her bike, her feet pedaling as fast as she possibly could. The school was an escape. The smile on her face that she managed there was like a mask that felt [i]real.[/i] She didn't have to take care of others unless she wanted to. Everyone was free to assume whatever they wanted about her but no one was actually likely to hit the mark. Clyde even. The friend she's had for years but even he probably sees her as a bright ball of energy with no end to her liveliness. She burst through the cafeteria door, not meaning for the sound to resonate as much as it did. [color=59EEE9]"Crap. My bad."[/color] Abbie said the closest teacher, grinning with a hint of apologeticness. After she grabbed her lunch, Abbie looked around the cafeteria filled with high schoolers and spotted Clyde. [color=59EEE9]"Hey, lovesick idiot. So, how was half of the first day of school?"[/color] Abbie grinned and placed her stuff on the cafeteria desk. She managed to sneak into the school unnoticed since she came in through the back. Either way, they take attendance so it wasn't like they didn't know she wasn't there. She looked up at Clyde. The guy that she hadn't contacted since his sudden disappearance the other night. Not that it mattered, Clyde in love? It was bound to be a little rough at first. But Abbie likes to play cupid. Hasn't [i]actually[/i] done it before but it's not like it could be hard or anything.[/center]