Yaroslav was stunned this Elven royal had just used magic to clean off his robes without his permission. In Andred using magic on someone else was an intimiate act; an act of caring, healing, harming or killing. To use magic on someone without their permission is strictly taboo. The fact that she had used it on him was either a difference in Elven culture and Andred culture or an act of disrespect. Yaroslav suspected the latter. Despite his feelings of disgust Yaroslav listened as the Elf royal spoke. He noted that Vanya would openly mock the other members of the party as they asked questions or piled on flattery. The half-elf half-giant had asked a useful question and that pompous royal had treated him as a child and the priest had gotten sarcasm in return for his over the top flattery. Yarslav had seen leaders like this in his past, Vanya believed that all the people in this room were worthless. In Yaroslav’s mind there would be one of two reasons she had assembled this team and was now treating them with so little respect. She was expecting this group to fail and her shining royal knights would have to come in and save the day making for a great legend to be told for ages of Vanya the wonderful, or she wasn’t telling the whole truth and this party was to be a distraction destined to meet a horrible end so that the real war party could make its move. Yaroslav didn’t care what the truth was he knew he wanted to do this quest, not only for the chance to really use his magic but also for the possibility of succeeding and showing this awful Royal not to underestimate the little people. He looked around the room and really studied the other adventures assembled as Vanya finished talking. He knew after a speech like what Her Highness had just given, full of mockery and doom, that moral for this journey would start low he needed to break the mood and give everyone a chance to inflate a little. As the other adventurers looked into the bag of Elven goods Yaroslav cleared his voice, stood, and addressed the other adventurers. “Hello everyone. I know I have made a very messy first impression with all of you but I would like to make an introduction so that you all will know who will be fighting by your side. My name is Yaroslav and I am a broody scholar mage of the Vailhearth Guild in Andred, as you could tell by my state earlier I have been taking the broody part of scholarship very serious as of late.” He says this will a chuckle. “My magic is mostly used for battle but I might be able to heal some small wounds if you don’t mind a scar. I am a retired battle mage and a traveling teacher of Andred army tactics” he glances at the half-elf half-giant as he says this not in a threatening manner but to make sure the man did not react badly to this fact, then he continues “and battle magic. If time permits on our journey I will gladly share my knowledge of the killing arts with the other magic users here.” At this he glances at the brown haired female magic user who had somehow escaped his song reading earlier. “Now I’d like to know who I will be journeying with, and I’d love to share a drink with whoever will be killing the forces of darkness at my side.” At this he grabs a goblet filled with wine off the table and lifts it in the air then takes a deep drink and sits down. He thinks to himself “Well now they for sure think I’m crazy.”