[color=a36209]"We didn't do anything to him. He did it to himself. Started to go on about 'voices in his head' that drove him mad. He put one of his guns to his head, we tried to stop him and he turned them on Max and me. Jumped us like animals,"[/color] Callum explained once the group had all assembled in the lab. [color=a36209]"Then his head blew up like a ripe watermelon against concrete, as you can see. The fucking feds weren't lying."[/color] [color=a36209]"I'd say the artifact seems like the best idea of what drove our friend mad. Nothing makes sense, what happened to him was like out of a horror movie. Eyes that looked like there was nothing behind them, ghostly white skin and the stare he gave us both. I won't be forgetting that anytime soon."[/color] Callum added, his words with a somber tone to them. He barely held back showing any signs of fear or confusion, his cool exterior persevered. The still blood covered man watched the holopad be handed off, then looked it over with a quick read. It had to be the artifact, the way the scientist described it in an almost frightened manner. whatever it was, no human could have made it. He'd have bet Reaver would have given a similar description to what was going on in his mind if it was still all there. The people on this world must have stumbled upon it and began studying it, it fucked with them like it did Reaver. They had to find it, it wasn't far and they had no other leads. [color=a36209]"It has to be the artifact. I don't know what happened to the scientists, or the guards, but my best guess is that artifact has something to do with it. It's not far from here, we need to investigate it. We need answers."[/color] Callum exclaimed as he glanced around at his crew, he had no idea what they would find or if the artifact would still be where it was found. But they had no where else to go. [color=a36209]"Come on, there might be something we can take as transport in the garage. I don't know about any of you, but I don't feel like walking through Antarctica to get where we need to go."[/color] Callum added then walked the opposite way where the ship was located, two capable people had stayed behind just in case. The garage doors were unlocked, conveniently enough. Near them were more bodies of guards, three spread around like all the ones they had discovered before. As Callum and the rest of the group entered into the garage they discovered one vehicle left, a large metal transport more akin than a tank to anything else. On each side of it were treads, perfect for traversing the snow covered world. There was enough room for all them. The one drawback being it had no weapons, but all those that would be aboard it did. The door out of the garage was already open, the powerful gusts of wind blowing snow inside. The scientists must have left this way. [color=a36209]"Come on, everyone aboard. Let's get moving."[/color] Callum said as he was the first one to enter the vehicle, popping the double doors in the back wide open as he hopped inside. In the back of the transport were twelve seats, six on each side. At the front were two more seats, the driver's seat and another. The keys were on the dash, the Pirate King scooped them up then pressed them into the socket. The engines lit on as the large contraption rumbled to life, ready to continue the adventure. Once all of the group had gotten onboard, Callum wasted no time as the vehicle rolled out of the garage into the seas of snow. The wind hollowed in the air outside them, a light snowfall fell from the grey clouds. Glacies was a beautiful world in certain ways. Massive mountains sat in the distance, huge glaciers littered the world near long frozen oceans. The site of the artifact was not far, they'd reach it in less than ten minutes. [hr] As the imposing transport and its crew sped away from the research facility, something stirred inside of it. Two of the criminals had elected to stay behind. They were not to alone for long. Throughout the building the corpses of the dead guards began to twitch in the most unnatural of ways. Their beaten, broken bodies twisted and convulsed as their bones realigned. Their eyes shot open, as did their mouths, but their former selves were not there, something far more frightening had taken over. A piercing blue emitted from their eye and mouth holes. Their limbs extended, fingers turning into claws, teeth into razors. Those that had lost body parts regrew them, their scars still remained as they rose to some twisted form of life. Then the undead shambled around as they sensed prey was near. There were a dozen of them, perhaps more. Reaver's formerly dead body also reanimated, even without a head it was once again active. All of them let out deeply unnatural moans and roars, alerting the two living in the base to their presence. They would not stop, they were driven by madness. Those closest to the hangar moved towards the [i]Gladius[/i], these monstrosities proceeded to scratch and bang against the ship as they tried to claw their way inside.