[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmFiOWMzMC5RMkZzWldJZ1RXTkxhVzV1YjI0LC4w/underdog.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjFkYmJmYy5TbUZqYjJJZ1RXTkxhVzV1YjI0LC4x/popularcafeaa.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/7a68e2139563d0e83592caeb899b9e4b/tumblr_inline_nrncbxMeYt1sn95bh_500.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a2a1db204b9a09689ef25f9e06c01664/tumblr_n6rp48hmbg1szxfwno2_250.gif[/img] Location: McKinnon House -> School [color=goldenrod]Interacting With[/color]: | Nobody | [color=deepskyblue]Interacting With[/color]: | [color=springgreen]Lily[/color] | [sub][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=207487007]Caleb's Outfit[/url] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/jake_first_day/set?id=207487076]Jake's Outfit[/url][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Caleb jolted up in bed at the sound of his alarm, and groaned as he looked in the time. Not even thirty seconds after he'd gone to rest his head on his pillow again for another few minutes of blissful slumber, did his mother barge in and get him back up. [b]"Good morning sunshine! Up and at 'em!"[/b] she hollered. Down the hall he could hear his brother getting the same treatment, which prompted him to scurry out of bed and into the good shower. Down the hall, Jacob was shouting at his dad to go away, but his father wouldn't hear of it, and it wasn't long until he was laying on his bed in a pair of boxers, covering his head with a pillow, while his dad stripped away his pillow and began opening up all the windows to let the brisk air from outside in. [color=deepskyblue][b]"DAD! STOP IT! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!"[/b][/color] the youngest McKinnon shouted, wincing against the light as he glared at his father, who only offered up a shrug and a smile, before walking out the door. [b]"Have a good day at school, I'll see you after I get home,"[/b] he said on his way out, a jovial tone to his voice that somehow made Jake angrier. With Caleb hogging the twins' preferred shower, Jake took a quick shower in the second bathroom of the McKinnon house, before getting dressed and going into the kitchen for breakfast, where Caleb sat at the dining room table, sleepily munching on a waffle. Jake poured himself a bowl of cereal and then proceeded to sit across from his brother and ate. Their bickering was kept to a minimum today. They were both much too tired. After breakfast, the twins followed their mom to the car and were off to school, arriving just in time for the bell. In their homeroom class, The twins sat with Lily in the back, and while each one got up and gave their two truths and a lie, though neither of them had anything extremely memorable to say. The time between then and lunch was rather uneventful, and the twins' paths diverged once they reached the lunch room. Jake went over to the other side of the cafeteria and wrapped one arm around Lily's waist, pulling her in and sneaking her a kiss on the cheek. Caleb on the other hand picked up his lunch and took a seat at an empty cafeteria table, where he read one of his many books silently, and munched on his food.