[h2][center][color=00ff66]Calanon[/color] (& Brogach)[/center][/h2] [color=00ff66]Location:[/color]The Road [color=00ff66]Interacting with:[/color] His friends Calanon and Brogach remained close to Cremwise, Cyneburg, and Gretchin as they entered into Orc territory. His keen eyes glanced about every so often, as if he too was an Elk like Brogach, looking for any signs of a threat beyond the impassive Orcs arrayed for war. In his mind, images of violence and death flashed through his thoughts. He had seen what Orcs were capable of. He was certain the clan had to be bigger than this. Perhaps there were far more than they realized in the cave? His fellows seemed to be in awe at the size of the Orc camp, but in truth Calanon had seen much much worse. "[color=00ff66]I only recognize a few words or phrases of Orcish.[/color]" he said to Keystone, looking at the brutes at the mouth of the cave with a predatory glare. "[color=00ff66]Things like 'Move Forward' and 'Kill the Prisoner,' and 'Slaughter them all'.[/color]" His voice was as calm as ever, but anyone who cared to look could see the kindly Elf had fled, and in his place was now something ruthless and dangerous. He seemed calm and controlled though. A simmering anger only to be unleashed in dire need. Brogach nuzzled Calanon's shoulder, drawing the Elf's gaze to his truest friend. Brogach was right, he needed to calm himself. He should not judge these Orcs for what others had done. "[color=00ff66]I will see to it.[/color]" he replied to Keystone's suggestion for fire. He let go of Brogach's reins, and strode about within eyesight, picking up as much fallen limbs and dead wood as his Elven eyes could see among the dirt and bushes. He did it in relative silence, before bringing it back to the center of the party and dropping them in a rough pile. "[color=00ff66]Brogach.[/color]" he called, and the Elk trotted over. Calanon reached into his pack and produced a small vial of Oil, pouring a very meager amount on the largest stick in the center. His next action was to grab two stones upon the ground, striking them together over the oil slick wood. Small 'crack' noises could be heard as he methodically hit the stones together, until a spark hit the oil and ignited, burning into the wood and growing. He threw some leaves atop it, putting away his things and sitting down before the fire. The Elf snapped and waved, and Brogach knelt before him. He reached into his pack again and produced some jerky he had brought himself, chewing silently.