[hr][center][h1][color=darkslategray]Svetlana Volkov[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m92cml3lYk1rb4mroo4_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] On the road, by the truck[/center][hr] Svetlana hesitated when she heard the familiar Russian tongue but frowned towards the man that had spoke it. Her gun remained trained on Ed's head but she turned her head to look at the man who came from Kazan. Seemed they were all giving their answers to the question without herself, Ed or Amelia prompting them to do so. She far from trusted them but she could give them an answer to this since it wasn't something they could use against her in reality. They knew she was Russian now so there was no harm in confirming it. [color=darkslategray]"YA iz Sankt-Peterburga."[/color] She listened to the leader, Beni, and kept a confused and untrusting look on her face as she watched his mouth move as if she were trying to decipher his words. Svetlana smirked as Amelia knocked Ed's previously trapped leg with her bat but quickly dropped the expression from her face as quickly as it had appeared. At the mention of Eden she tilted her head and scowled a little harder. She may have known everything he was saying but she wanted to keep up the pretense that she could only understand Russian. [color=darkslategray]"Edem?"[/color] She glanced down at the spike strip and then back to the men that were a potential threat. Beni, if that was actually his name, seemed to be somewhat less intimidating than he had been moments before but there was no way she was blindly following them wherever they wished to lead them. The truck and the motorcycles gave Svetlana pause and she really did consider trying to steal one of the bikes but new that she wouldn't get very far before one of them tried to put a bullet in her. She looked to the man from Kazan and raised her left brow. She definitely would keep this going until she knew she could or could not trust them. [color=darkslategray]"I skazal on...?"[/color] She placed her non-gun toting hand on the hilt of her knife that was sitting in her belt and thinned her lips a little. She shoved the barrel of her gun against Ed's head just because she felt like it but kept her eyes trained on Kazan Man as she waited for her answer. This Eden, whatever the hell it was or meant, was something that made Svetlana's hairs stand on end. She had been through hell within hell already and didn't much fancy the idea that something even remotely similar could happen to her again after she had escaped her last moment of purgatory. She hated this world more than she would ever be able to verbalise. Shit just kept getting worse and worse...[hr][hider=Translations]YA iz Sankt-Peterburga. = I am from Saint Petersburg. Edem? = Eden? I skazal on...? = And he said...?[/hider]