[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] Oh my oh my oh my, how LLA wants to play.... Look out Newnan, shit is going down... [@Morose] [@Charnobylisk] [@Caits] [@Sigil] [@Nallore] - Everyone is doing their thing. We have a new person arriving, people loving the smell of dinner, Miss Lilly is in the ground for the most part. Thing is though, ever get that feeling that shit is just too quiet? Yeah, well apparently LLA doesn't like that. Not one bit. So yeah, there is a shot fired out that rings through Newnan. There is a moments pause before three more are fired off and then everything goes quiet... For now. Outside 3 random Newnanites Drop - 1 teen(in the street by the medical garden), 1 child(by building F playing soccer with others), and 1 younger bloke(on the outer wall near the front gate). - One more drops but the details are below. [@Nallore] [@FantasyChic] - Well fuck me.... Okay, Drago and Char witnessed this roll in chat. Ray needed a 98+ roll on 100 sided dice to live through this round.... LLA rolled a 99 O.o So yeah, Ray is still alive, he is still awake, he just is down a limb. The bleeding is slowly despite everything and while the pain is nearly unbearable it is not making him pass back out and he is able to aid somewhat but how long I don't know. Might want to grab something else to help him lean on, or drag, or something. There is the church but that is back towards the town and where the majority of that hoard was. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f6989d]Zoi[/color][color=tomato]ck[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://i.giphy.com/Dv31yE74aazIY.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building B (Zoie's Home) >> Building 1(Lockup) >> Building 1(The Infirmary) >> Building 1(The OR)[/center][hr] [color=tomato]"I ain't tryin' ta tell ya ta do shit, jus' recommendin' it is all. I know better than anyone, with the exception o' Froggy, that there ain't no use tryin' ta make ya do what ya don't wanna do."[/color] He swung his legs over the windowsill and contemplated dropping out into the garden and just walking away but he didn't. He owed her this, to sit and listen and let her lecture and scold him, he deserved it. He scoffed at her comments about his fangs not being needed and rolled his eyes. [color=tomato]"When I stop bein' treated like a vicious animal by everyone then I might consider puttin' the fangs away."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Ever thanks ifs ya stopped showin' ya fangs they'd stop treatin' ya likes yous a rabid coon?"[/color] she countered quickly as she tapped her foot on the ground. [color=f6989d]"Ain'ts doin' ya's no good actin's likes ya ares."[/color] Looking down at her radio she didn't bother answering Ash at this point, she had the okay to take her time so she would. She figured bossman had things under control. He swung his legs back onto the sill and then blinked as she got in his face, unsure how to react to her as yet. As she finished he scowled and shrugged. [color=tomato]"Never expected ya to stop me, Daisy. Ain't yer problem anymore. I know that."[/color] He watched as she stood up and checked her pistol. He listened to her words but didn't much care to let them sink in right now. He wasn't going to be convinced that this wasn't all going to fall apart sooner rather than later. [color=f6989d]"Ain't bein' my problem no, but yous always me concern."[/color] [color=tomato]"Yer life, yer choice. Dumb one, but I ain't gon' try tell ya t'think otherwise."[/color] Cocking a brow she glanced over to him and shook her head a bit. [color=f6989d]"Whys you gots to be like that Honky Tonk? I ain't treatin' ya likes you be a wilds animal, yets you still barin' yas fangs at me. Tellin's me that because yous be me concern it be a dumb choice. Yous tryin' to gets me to treats ya likes ya dirt?"[/color] He didn't respond and was near enough slipping back into his thoughts of packing up and leaving but her words about having a wolf in sheep's clothing in lock up caught his attention and he frowned hard. [color=tomato]"What ya mean ya got a wolf in the pen?"[/color] He stood up inside the house and chased after her as she turned and left the house. He hadn't planned on following her but she had piqued his curious and protective nature. [color=f6989d]"Means exactlys whats I be sayin. I gots a wolf in the pen. Wolf be from Eden,"[/color] she added as she walked towards the main building. Richard growled audibly and jogged to catch up with Zoie as they moved onwards. [color=tomato]"I hope ye neutered and or casmastrated the fuckin' cunt 'fore ya brought 'em inside the walls."[/color] He didn't like this, that someone from Eden was within the walls again, knowing all too well that it was and would be Zoie that would be dealing with them and their shit. His hands balled up into fists as he followed her, now not out of curiousity but out of sheer rage and protective instincts that were now coursing through him. [color=f6989d]"I ain't be doin' no such thang,"[/color] she said as they stepped through the main building of Newnan and made their way back to the holding cell. Nodding towards the guard she opened the door and walked inside. Looking over at Ryan he was fiddling with the blonde hair he kept wrapped around his finger as he grinned at her. [color=f6989d]"This be Ryan, the reason I gots out of Eden. Only reasons I ain't be neuterin' him... Yet,"[/color] she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. [color=tomato]"I'll neuter him then."[/color] Richard squared his jaw off and stepped forward, glancing down at the fiddling hands of this piece of shit before his eyes darted up and stared the fucker down. [color=tomato]"Ye got Zoie out o' that shit hole?"[/color] He didn't like the look of this bastard, not one bit. Standing up and looking at Richard from between the bars that departed them he nodded, still wearing that grin on his lips. [color=fff79a]"Yeah, I did,"[/color] he said before glancing over at Zoie and then back towards Richard. [color=fff79a]"Aww Zoie, you bring your boyfriend to meet me? And here I thought we had something special,"[/color] he chuckled as he sat back down on the bed and leaned against the wall. Richard's lip curled up in disgust and he shook his head. [color=tomato]"Gonna take a hella lot more than that t'get me ta bite, dickshit."[/color] He folded his arms across his chest and took a step back from the bars. If he hadn't just exhausted all of his energy from breakind down over Froggy and then pouring all his shit out to Zoie he'd probably have grabbed the fucker through the bars and smashed his face in until one of his eyes popped out. He had no fucking patience for anyone from Eden, even if they did get Zoie out of there. [color=fff79a]"Oh but you just told me plenty,"[/color] Ryan said as he rested his hands on his knees and his grin grew. Zoie turned her back to Ryan, looking over at Dick as she did. [color=f6989d][i]"Careful,"[/i][/color] she mouthed. Zoie knew Ryan, he was reader. He could read people like an exposed poker hand. Richard raised a brow at Zoie but gave a slight nod and stepped back, moving as far as he could from the cell whilst still being able to hear. He leaned against the wall and kept his arms crossed over his chest and just glared at this Ryan. He didn't like the look, sound or smell of this guy and he'd be fucking damned if he let this asshole near his Daisy. Richard wasn't exactly unable to read people either but he figured that if Daisy was warning him then this guy was better than he was. Thing was, that just made Richard want to beat the guy even more - physically and psychologically. [color=fff79a]"He wants you Zoie,"[/color] Ryan said as he looked down at the hair around his finger. The hell was this guy doing? Was that... that was hair. Richard bristled as he saw the colour of it. Zoie turned around slowly, she wasn't sure if he was talking about Richard or someone else by his inflection but the visible shudder that ran down her spine made it clear that she was scared. Zoie didn't get scared. He stepped forward and moved to put a hand on Zoie's shoulder as Richard realised that fuckwit wasn't talking about him. [color=tomato]"Well he ain't gettin' her. She's got friends that'll keep 'er safe."[/color] He gave Zoie a light squeeze on her shoulder before letting her go and stepping back again. He pulled out his knife and began to pick his nails with it, his eyes watching Ryan as he sat there in the cell. He didn't much like the reaction that his words had caused Zoie but she'd told him to be careful, so careful he would be. For now. [color=fff79a]"Yeah, that McCormick chick thought the same didn't she? Then pop, right between the eyes,"[/color] he said holding up his fingers and acting like he was pulling a trigger as he looked at Richard. Glancing over at Zoie he lowered his hand. [color=fff79a]"But you and I both know that isn't what he has planned for you. That would a blessing compared to what he has in store for you."[/color] Zoie looked away from Ryan, she knew what he was speaking about and as her eyes went to Richards it looked as if she had just walked through the gates of hell the way the fear glassed over her vision. [color=fff79a]"And Zoie here, well she isn't one to let anyone take a bullet for her now is she?"[/color] Richard's face softened completely and he wrapped Zoie up in his arms, his right hand caressing the back of her head as he buried her face into his chest and his fingers stroked her hair down. Zoie just stood there, shaking like a leaf as Richard held her. He glared at Ryan as he held her close and he bared his teeth and growled as he spoke. [color=tomato]"She won't need t'let anyone do that. Now if ye don't fuckin' mind, quit scarin' the shit outta her and jus' get to the fuckin' point."[/color] He loosened his grip on Zoie but wouldn't let her go unless she wanted him to. He really fucking hated this guy. [color=fff79a]"Point is this, he ain't gonna stop until his clubbed sausage fingers have her in his grasp again,"[/color] Ryan said. Zoie pushed away from Richard and bolted out the door. Taking a few steps out into the hallway she fell back against it as her fingers curled up and she gasped for breath. Ryan just leaned back in his cell and looked at Richard. [color=fff79a]"Better watch her, knowing Zoie she's gonna run."[/color] [color=tomato]"You better be fuckin' glad those bars are stoppin' me from gettin' at ya, dickweed. I'll be seein' ya."[/color] He turned on his heel and walked out of the room and into the hallway to find Zoie. He spotted her struggling to breathe and he dropped down to his knees beside her. He rested a hand on her upper back and tried to get his face down level to hers. Zoies eyes darted around around before she finally looked over towards Richard. [color=tomato]"Hey, hey, hey, c'mon now. That guy is jus' tryin' t'get a rise outta ya. Surely ya know that better than anyone?"[/color] He moved his hands to cup her face and held her gaze with this. The sincerity in his next words were something that not often left his lips. [color=tomato]"I ain't lettin' 'em get ya, Daisy. No fuckin' chance. I will keep ya safe."[/color] She was a bit shocked by the tone of his voice and a look of confusion broke through the fear as she shook there and found herself nearly hyperventilating at that point. [color=f6989d]"I's don't getcha. One minutes yous acts likes you hates me and wants me to's hates ya. Nexts you be actin' likes you feels the same ways about me I feels abouts you. Whichs is it?"[/color] He knew he deserved it but it didn't make it sting any less. He dropped his hands from her face and placed his left hand on his knee and scratched under his chin, his fingers sliding through his beard, with his right. [color=tomato]"I ain't ever been good for anyone, Daisy. I hurt those I'm close to and I ain't ever let anyone get right close for a long, long time. I ain't been through the same shit you has, you've been through a metric shit tonne more than me, but I got my flaws and they're plentiful Daisy. These fangs ain't all jus' for show."[/color] He fell back, his rear hitting the floor as he sat in front of her, his arms now resting across his raised knees that were spread apart. He chewed on his tongue some as he considered his next words. [color=tomato]"If I admit how I feel out loud then I can't take it back. I ain't ready for that yet. If this ain't what yer willin' to deal with then I understand. Ya jus' need to know I'm always gonna protect ya Daisy. Always. No matter fuckin' what."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Yeah, well this world don't lets us have second chances a lot of the times. Ones day yous gonna holds yers tongue too longs and then it be too late. If yas can live with that, sos be it but don'ts bes mad at me ifs I be pushy up daisy's befer yous do,"[/color] she said as she looked away from him. Now that she knew Eden was after her, she doubted she had much time left on this earth. For all she knew as soon as she stepped out the front door she would end up like Leann that day. Just suddenly slumping lifeless to the group as Richard had to carry her body back inside. Standing up she shook off the fear and take a deep breath. [color=f6989d]"Well I be's more afraid of not sayin' what needs to be said than I am ofs what's gonna happen if I do's. So you knows what. Fuck it. Gonnas says its again 'cause ifs I gots hells awaitin' me I'm gonnas go there withs no regrets,"[/color] she said before looking down at him. [color=f6989d]"Goods ors bads, I don't be carin none. Fangs ors no fangs, don't make no matters to me. I loves ya Richard. Simple as that,"[/color] she said staring him straight in the eye. [color=f6989d]"If yous do or don'ts, that be you. Ifs I ain't worth telling either ways, fine. But don't be givin' me none of that bullhonk about nots being able to takes it back. Hows you gonnas protect me ifs ya ain't even have the brass ones to open yers mouth?"[/color] Richard flinched as she let all out on him, even if she wasn't intending to give him an earful she definitely managed to. [color=tomato]"Don't ya be givin' me [i]your[/i] shit Daisy. We might well be alike but we ain't the same person and tryin' t'force me t'say summat I ain't damn well ready to say ain't gonna make be fuckin' helpful. Now quit talkin' like yer gonna get killed any minute now and calm yer jets. I swear ta fuck, Daisy, ya gotta stop buildin' me up and then knockin' me right back fuckin' down again. My not sayin' shit ain't fuck all to do with my brass ones, it's t'do with me makin' sure of how I actually fuckin' feel. I ain't wantin' to tell ya I love ya when I don't fuckin' know what love even fuckin' is."[/color] He stood up then, brushing himself off and staring down at her. [color=tomato]"Jus' 'cause the world ended don't mean that everythin' is as cut and dry as ya make it out to be."[/color] He wanted to storm off then, not look back and leave her to think about the guilt trip that she'd just laid on him but he didn't. [color=tomato]"Look, if ya think I can't protect ya 'cause I ain't wantin' t'risk hurtin' yer feelin's then fine. I ain't the only one that wants t'keep ya safe, Daisy. Ya damn well know that."[/color] He ran his hands through his hair and then turned away for a second as he calmed himself, his hands rubbing his face before he turned back and held his hands out to her if she wanted to take them. Zoie's eyes narrowed. [color=f6989d]"You ain't be nothin's buts a chicken shit little punk assed red necked fuck bred you two timing blame it on the booze oh poor me everyone hates me boo hoo crys baby! Yous act like shit, yous treats peoples like shit, and yous expects them to nots be treatin' ya like yous some coon? KISS MY GRITS! Worlds never been complicated! Peoples onlys makes it so. Id be saying the same shit's to yous if it weres today ors it be fives years ago. You always blowin's up likes this whens you knows yous ain't in the right. That ain't bein' a mans. Thats bein's a boy! You drink, you blame its on me being's out. Yous fucks anothers, you blames it on the drinks. Peoples be treatin's yas exactlys hows yous should becauses ofs the ways you act but it be them faults. Yeah, yous gota fangs alrights. The fangs of a pup! Little gnawy fangs thats only's be cuttin's skins deep to anyones thats been livin's mores thans twos seconds in this hells. You's knows exactlys whats loves is, you just afraids of it. Well go piss on someone elses legs and tells them its rain!"[/color] she spat at him, loud enough for the whole building to hear her with the walls echoing. He said nothing. He stood there letting her get it out and taking it. She'd basically hammered the last nail in the coffin. He wasn't sticking around anymore, there was no need to. She was right and he sure didn't like it. He didn't need to stay around for this shit but before he could walk away she continued on and he scowled at her as she started saying he was guilting her. No. Fucking. Way. [color=f6989d]"Yous ain'ts wants to says it fine but don't be tryin's to be givin's me no's guilts trips,"[/color] she said as she turned on her heels and stormed off through the building. Her hands flinging open the front door. He was ready to mouth off again but she was off already. He fucking hated not getting the first foot out the door. Zoie took a look around before her body slammed back into the court house and the sound of a gun being fired echoed over Newnan. [color=f6989d]"Fucking Christ!"[/color] she screamed as she grabbed her shoulder, blood spilling out of it. Richard stood rooted to the spot, torn between wanting to help her and wanting to get the fuck out of Newnan while everyone was distracted. Despite his better judgement he ran forward and grabbed her unhurt side before dragging her further into the building and away from the windows and doors. He grabbed Zoie's walkie with one hand while he put pressure on her wound to try and stop the bleeding. He pressed down on the button and spoke into the walkie. [color=tomato]"Cap! Daisy is hit. The fuck is goin' on out there?!"[/color] The infirmary wasn't too far off, he could get her there quick enough. [color=tomato]"C'mon Daisy, let's get this bleedin' stopped. Fuck!"[/color] Zoie put her hand over his and pressed down more as she sat up slowly, her body trembling and then shaking. Taking short breaths she looked over to Richard. [color=f6989d]"Don'ts lets go,"[/color] she whispered before she felt her head spin and her body started to go limp in his arms. His eyes widened as she went limp and he threw caution to the wind. He scooped her up in his arms and ran straight for the infirmary. He hoped to fuck that Froggy was awake and not doped up because right now they needed him. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him while trying to stem the bleeding in her arm. He kicked the door open and saw Astrid drawing blood from a now upright Froggy. Normally he'd avoid her but right now he didn't give two flyin' monkeys if she was there. [color=tomato]"Froggy! She's been shot! Tell me you're fit enough to help her?!"[/color] He looked between Astrid and Froggy and moved inside and placed Zoie on a free gurney and then held down on her wound as hard as he could to stop the excessive bleeding. His bloodied hands shook as he held onto her. His eyes welled as he watched her unconscious face. Astrid had nodded to Kris as she left and gotten back to work. That was until she heard the shots and placed down the vials as she heard the gun shot and steeled her nerves. [color=82ca9d]"Everyone stay here,"[/color] she said as she started to pull her knife from her belt until she saw Richard rush in with Zoie in his arms. Moving quickly she stepped over to the two. [color=82ca9d]"Richard, take a her hand but step back so I can get to her shoulder please,"[/color] she said in a calm voice as she took his hand and started to move it. Barely registering Astrid's words, Richard didn't risk moving, his hand fighting against Astrid until Froggy walked over and guided him away instead. He moved Richard to the opposite side of the wound and placed Zoie's hand within Richard's bloodied ones before walking back around to stand with Astrid at the wound. He looked down at his friend and removed all emotion from his face as he turned back into Doctor Bonheur. [color=khaki]"Astrid, do what you can to stem the bleeding and move her into the OR. I will prepare what we need."[/color] Victor moved away and began to gather what he would need to save Zoie quickly before moving into the OR. He then moved to the sink and began to cleanse his hands from the blood and readied himself for the surgery. Astrid nodded as she applied pressure to the wound with one hand and got to work with the other as best she could. Wheeling Zoie into the OR as she grabbed her medical file and tossing it onto the unconscious woman's lap. The bleeding was more than she would have expected from just a shoulder wound, that was until she took a closer look at the location and her lips thinned. [color=82ca9d]"It looks to have hit the axillary artery,"[/color] she called out through the doors of the OR. Richard's eyes widened and his face paled as he looked down to Zoie's face. He knew that an artery hit was bad enough before the end of the world but this? FUCK. He almost lost his grip on her hand as Astrid wheeled her into the OR but he caught hold and kept her hand tightly between his own. [color=khaki]"Astrid, pay close attention."[/color] Victor then began his work on Zoie's wound, directing Astrid as needed and working to stop the bleeding and remove any schrapnel that may have lodged into areas and could cause issues further down the line. [color=82ca9d]"Yes Doctor,"[/color] she said in a cool voice as she began assisting Victor while he tried to stop the bleeding and get the situation under control. She was glad he was back on his feet, she knew she was not skilled enough yet to so such a precise and delicate operation that would require the repairing of an artery but her eyes were fixed as he worked, taking in every last detail of the procedure. Victor appreciated that Richard had to be there for Zoie but he was no doubt going to get in the way. Victor looked up and cleared his throat. Richard blinked and stared up at the elder man and then growled at him. [color=tomato]"No fuckin' way, Froggy. I ain't fuckin' leavin'."[/color] Victor squared his jaw off and looked down to the wound in Zoie's shoulder before getting back to work. His silence spoke volumes to Richard but it didn't matter, he wasn't leaving her side again.