Riza couldnt help feel but joy at this new turn and was happy that things were panning out so far. She just hoped that everyone would accept this and support Wolf for it was something Wolf needed most. That and the trust from them. Yes it was going to be rough at first but wjat wasnt going to be rough within admitting something that has been happening for months. Riza slowly stood up as Wolf put a sweat shirt on. "Yep. I think i may need to go ahead and place the exo vertibae for this to work better. I hate almost to falling on his face. But let up go and get you patched up. You may want to message them. Give them some sort of idea that you want to reconnect. Like, telling you want to talk in the living room. It gives them a sign and its start." Riza began her small walks toward the medical room to get Wolf patched up.