[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/ea7ca9ce5d7b64cb1b931b8d60f94e96/tumblr_inline_nuo4ikRmZ71qlt39u_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Vicinity of the Front Outer Wall (Lagrange St) [/center][hr][hr]Jack nodded, grinning at Tatiana. He didn't have much of a weapon to defend her with, but he'd find a way. Wheeling Sophia along, Jack followed the small group, noting that the same escorts from earlier were present. It was a little funny, how quickly Tatiana and he had been integrated into the group. Truthfully, he had expected the guards at the gates to send the pair of them back to the Mess Hall, rather than allowing them to rush blindly after the Russian newcomer. He put a hand on Tatiana's shoulder and squeezed it gently, hoping to comfort her. [color=00ff00]"We'll find Davi, don't you worry,"[/color] Jack promised. Smiling at her, he hoped to encourage her, but he didn't want to talk for her. If they were going to stay in Newnan, then it'd be crucial for Tatiana to be able to communicate. Flustered or not, he had to let her do it. He smiled awkwardly at Sophia as well, feeling almost like he'd abducted the girl, taking her on a random tour of Newnan. [color=00ff00]"Sorry 'bout going all ovah,"[/color] Jack apologized to her, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. At the shots, Jack instantly sprang into action. His eyes darted over to Tatiana, and he grabbed her quickly, diving to the ground. It was muscle memory, instinct, the training of the police academy still in him. He tried his best not to panic, but he couldn't help but feel this entire place had been a trap. Here they were, being shot at, and he didn't have a weapon to defend them with. His mind flickered to the ring he had started working on, in order to propose to Tatiana. He desperately hoped they'd both be alive at the end of the day, so he could use it. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc6699]Édouard Riviere[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2689ce79c67042d7151575b07cb227bf/tumblr_inline_mw07keW8E51s73t47.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: [i]Dans La Rue[/i][/center][hr][hr]Éd's eyes widened a bit, seeing Svetlana aim the gun at his head. Didn't she [i]realize[/i] that he could've easily traded her away, rather than Amelia? It was a big risk he was taking, going with her over the girl that understood some French. He frowned, figuring that one of the knocks on Svetlana's head must have knocked a screw loose. He sighed, already weary with the weight placed on his shoulders. He'd have to teach her everything again, essentially skills like...smashing open a can of baby food against a rock. He rolled his eyes at Amelia's comment, having already written her off. She'd be disposed of just as Félix had been: in order to ensure his own welfare. He turned around, and winced when he saw those ugly as hell bangs. They'd definitely have to go, if he was going to let them take Amelia instead. He could hardly stand the sight of them. Édouard practically gasped as he heard the man speaking French, his heart warming instantly at the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Aba0lVdE2c]wonderful world[/url] he found himself in. A tear came to his eyes and he wiped it away with his hand, entirely forgetting about the fact that he had just attempted to sell Amelia as something akin to a sex slave. [color=cc6699]"Qui êtes vous?"[/color] Édouard asked, his voice filled with awe. He didn't have any idea what the leader of the group was saying, catching only a few words now and then. In his brilliance, Édouard realized that the leader must have been named Eden. With Svetlana and Amelia mentioning the name as well, he felt entirely satisfied. [color=cc6699]"Ah, zut alors! Je ne parle pas anglais. Je ne vous comprends pas."[/color] It was perhaps the nicest Édouard had ever been, and with a bit of a shrug, he headed over towards the group of gentlemen. He couldn't imagine a fellow Frenchman causing him any harm, especially if he learned of Édouard's surname. The Rivieres were feared back home. [color=cc6699]"Je m'appelle Édouard,"[/color] he said, holding out a dirt covered hand to the Frenchman. [color=cc6699]"Et vous?"[/color] [hider=Translations]Dans la rue = In the road Qui êtes vous? = Who are you? [i]formal inquiry, not the familiar inquiry[/i] Ah, zut alors! Je ne parle pas anglais. Je ne vous comprends pas. = Ah, shit! I don't speak English. I do not understand you. [i]Again, using the more formal "you" word.[/i] Je m'appelle Édouard = I call myself Édouard. Et vous? = And you? [i]again, the more formal version[/i][/hider]