The priest immediately stood up to serve himself half the food on the table upon prompting, further cementing he was unused to court etiquette. Alice reminded herself none of that really mattered here in this group now, even as he shoved as much food as he could slop on his plate with the decorum of a farm animal. She allowed a few more of the company to serve themselves while she busied herself removing objects from the new elven silk bag and placing them in her own satchel and pack. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the craftsmanship, she would definitely be keeping the bag, but because she already had a place for everything and couldn't be bothered to sort everything out. Upon completing her quick task she moved to sit over in front of the individual that interested her the most; the one that had introduced himself as Yaroslav. As she seated herself she got a better look at this man. From a distance she could tell he was short, standing well below the average human, which could be attributed towards his almost frightening figure. He seemed to lack substance in all physical aspects, and his darkened eyes that never seemed to focus on anything explained his predicament. Likely another soul who fell under these dark times, who's been struggling to find an opportunity to find himself again. Alice was unsure of how much knowledge he really knew, let alone would be able to recall upon demand, people like him tended to have lost one or two marbles along the road. [i]And quite a sum of coin and dignity probably[/i] she thought, concealing her small amount of pity before it reached her face or voice Despite all this she had smirked at his jest, showing he was more astute than he looked. She recalled too well the sombre attitude of magical academies as appose to the lively and adventurous attitude of the elite she had studied with. He certainly looked like he didn't belong in one of those places though, his having been out in sunshine was evidence enough of that fact. She affixed a smile upon her face and introduced herself, "Hello, Yaroslav. I am Alice Peerbane as I'm sure you heard, Andred are you? How are the arts over there, I confess I have never been long in those parts." She did her best to suppress her Vrettonian accent. Though she would assume a man of learning would be above prejudice, it was always best to assume caution around the subject of the animosity surrounding the two states. "At the very least I can't remember the brooding school being officially recognised, though I know it was well practiced among many mages." She followed up with in a light tone and started serving herself small portions of this and that, being the first to the food was normally a masculine role in the courts but she doubted a man who looked as such as he did would bother to recognise it let alone be offended. [@POOHEAD189][@Lacks]