[img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/1e35/th/pre/f/2015/296/3/b/slag_giant_smith__miguel_regodon_by_miguelregodon-d9e31ll.jpg[/img] Picture is a rough guide. Actual results may vary. Name: Bjorn Age: 35 Clothes: Wears loose trousers, a light silk top, leather shoes, and a forge apron. Armour: Reinforced leather full body armour set. Weapons: Dual forge hammers, with a huge spike at the bottom of each handle. Has a knowledge of a wide variety of conventional and unconventional weapons, but prefers his trusty hammers Tattoo: Large, between the shoulder blades Bio (Optional): Wandering weapons/armoursmith originally, but ended up in a huge fiasco involving drinks, a bet, and a brawl. At which point he was promptly pointed towards the 666, where he is working to pay off the debts accrued through damage of the bar and the bet. He began life as a street rat, doing menial work for whichever gang paid the most. He later found a steady apprenticeship at the local forge, and excelled at weaponry and armour. He eventually made enough money to become a wandering smith (not all of this money was made above board, it must be said – all debts to them are paid off, however…). More Info you want to add: Not the brightest of blokes, fond of a drink or three. Follows a simple moral code learnt from life on the streets. Leave no insult unchallenged, protect the weaker, trust only in yourself and those closest (who have been proven in battle). A huge bloke, at 6’10”, with huge muscles and a kind heart. Crazy mane of flaxen curls, and a great big bushy beard. Not afraid to make gambles, and is more used to dealing with the criminal underworld than people might first suspect.