[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Orc War Camp [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] With the adventurers[/center] Nodding his head, Ntaj couldn't help but admit he was rather impressed. He has heard tales of other orcish people creating massive hordes that threaten even well-established kingdoms, but the idea that loosely affiliated barbarians could actually muster an army of that size without quickly dissolving into in-fighting seemed like something for fairytales. Things that a mother and father say to their children to cover up the complicated politics of war. Though one thing that did make Ntaj ponder was Brezcar calling the forces here a [i]tribe[/i], instead of a clan. Granted, Ntaj's grasp of common was already loose as it is, so the two terms my be used interchangeably in this language. But to Ntaj, a clan was a shared family name, such as the Yaaj Clan. A tribe however was a gathering of different clans, essentially the foundations of a kingdom. For Brezcar to call those gathered here just a tribe might have just been a slip of the tongue, but if this was indeed a combination of different clans instead of just one clan, then perhaps their forces weren't as large as Ntaj expected. Or perhaps it was even bigger, and what Ntaj sees here was merely a glimpse of the full forces the orcs have under their command. Likely the latter. After thinking about Brezcar's comment, Ntaj heard Keystone speak about something. He spoke low as if he wanted to keep it a secret, which made Ntaj antsy. While he didn't exactly mistrust these people, low tones were typically reserved for secrecy and conspiracy. Ntaj was uncertain if he was even suppose to overhear Keystone's words, but Ntaj kept an ear open anyways. Slowly, but surely, Ntaj was starting to make some sense of what Keystone was saying, though it did take Ntaj a while to fully analyze what he was saying, and then translating his metaphors and idioms into something Ntaj understood. Fortunately as usual, Ntaj only really needed to understand the last bit of what Keystone was saying; don't be intimidated by the orcs, and he needs someone who spoke orc. Fortunately there were two, Cyneburg and Ntaj himself. Cyneburg said as much, and Ntaj nodded his head in agreement. [color=c4df9b]"Kuv to taub lawv hais tias, thiab qhia Cyneburg. Ntaj listen, tell Cyneburg, Cyneburg tell you."[/color] Of course, three was a crowd and four was a party. If things worked here just as they did back at home, and the warchief only requested Kyra and Keystone, bringing along Cyneburg and Ntaj together might be a bad move. There are many ways it could be interpreted; it could make Kyra and Keystone look like they don't trust their orcish hosts (Which frankly Ntaj would side with the humans with), and depending on how progressive these orcs were they may be insulted simply at the presence of the half-orcs. It's not as if bringing two of them made them one whole orc. Not only that, but there was always a chance that the others at the camp could make use of someone who knew orcish. Personally, Ntaj felt it would be best for Cynbeburg to go alone. Her grasp of orcish was enough to hold a conversation with him, and her skills in Common exceeded his own. She would make a better translator than he would. Ntaj just hoped that these orcs weren't sexist like the ones back home. In fact, Ntaj took a cursory glance at the warband surrounding them, trying to see if he could see any female orcs among their ranks. Of course, if they were wearing proper armor, Ntaj wouldn't be able to tell regardless. Unlike him, these orcs were practically dressed for war where as Ntaj looked like he was about to be sold into a brothel. [color=a2d39c]"If warchief say only you two, Ntaj and Cyneburg too much. Just one or none. Ntaj can stay at camp, make tent and fire, talk to orcs. You choose."[/color] Thoughts aside, Ntaj waited to see what Kyra and Keystone wanted to do with him. It was times like these Ntaj wished he bothered to learn more about the art of diplomacy over the art of war, that way he could smooth things out in this situation. Then again if he was any good at diplomacy, Ntaj would probably still be living as a prince in Dark Star. Maybe even a king. [hider=Translation] [color=c4df9b]"Kuv to taub lawv hais tias, thiab qhia Cyneburg."[/color] "I can understand what they say, and then I can tell Cyneburg. [/hider]