[h3]Mac and Cheese[/h3] “Humans.” Cheese clicked her tongue in disgust. “Always the same destroying nature.” It didn’t surprise her that Drake didn’t believe in fairy tales, rather that it annoyed her to think that despite her very being there wasn’t proof enough! Cheese decided to play a prank on him later and teach him a lesson. Without even a pause for a breather they were all rushed into battle. Mac stumbled into the area with keyblade in hand. He had no idea what he was doing. The smells of and sounds of the battle filled his mind. Mac mumbled several swear words trying to figure out what to do whilst the others happily tore through the enemies. The heartless were different to your usual drunken idiot, they looked more imposing. Mac swore very loudly when a duplicate of himself shimmered into being. No sooner had it appeared it glided away trying to distract a group of heartless from their civilian prey. Further down through the wrecked streets Mac could just make out other fake versions of the others gliding around like statues with wheels. “What are you doing you freaking idiot!” Cheese shouted from somewhere unseen to his left. “Start hitting them!” Movement to his right caught Macs attention where a crowd of Shadows accompanied a soldier in the same direction Drake had dashed to around a corner of an empty building. Taking a deep breath Mac charged after them. “OI you wankers!” The soldiers head popped back around the corner. “Have some of thi-” Razor sharp claws of shadows reached out from the pools of darkness on the wall for him with their beady yellow eyes. Mac leapt backwards from them just before the shadows spilled onto the scorched ground. He aimed a kick at the closest Shadow only to feel it phase through harmlessly, until an iron grip of its claws wrapped around his leg and tugged. Macs shout was cut off when he fell and the shadows swarmed. Mac flailed in panic with his key blade against their vicious claws. But while there were many their movements were slow giving Mac all the chances he needed to place in a few hits and bring down their numbers. Eventually Mac got back to his feet and only the soldier was left. Mac then insulted its mother as he delivered the final to its skull. Taking a moment to feel his face, and a small breather, Mac discovered a large crack running down the screen. “explains why I’m seeing double.” He mumbled. Mac dashed around the corner just in time to see snakes of darkness lunge towards the Large Bodies. Mac slumped slightly in shock. Cheese meanwhile was busy high above hacking through a horde of Red Nocturnes that had had the poor judgement of disturbing her with a blade that looked like an oversized thorn. With each hit Mac had taken Cheese had felt small prickles at the back of her mind. She was bound to Mac but as he had told her to follow Toscaxs orders Cheese had reasoned that meant she could be somewhat lenient in her duties to protecting Mac. With the last of the Nocturnes dispatched with Cheese fluttered back to her position atop an old stone gargoyle. She took a deep breath and resumed her previous duties with the illusions. Cheese was unable to hold both her human appearance and so many illusions at the same time, resulting her being shrunk down to the size of thumb, as they glided through the town. Currently Cheese had two of each member of the team, as well as three more of Tocsax and Mai who, by her understanding of it, would be targeted by Leons organisation. “For crying out loud why don’t you buzz off!” Cheese shouted up at another approaching Nocturne Horde. Throughout the town the illusions shimmered and then disappeared leaving the groups of Civilians following them to relative safety once again without a guide.