[h1][center][b][i]TIME SKIP[/i][/b][/center][/h1] As the students gathered together, socialized, and readied themselves, eventually they would all find a quest to take part in. Most chose their own quests, however a few were assigned to them. Lucilia in particular sought out students she knew may not take the initiative to find their missions, while awaiting those who had already chosen theirs. Craig waited in his office for his Noxomancer students, as well as the volunteers who would protect them. Those participating in the trip to Yarosmere would also be briefed, though instead of the offices they were to meet near the stables were they would take carriages. Lucilia waited a few minutes for everyone to gather in her office. Ssarak and Meirin were amount the first to arrive. She wasn't surprised to see them here, as they played a part in the previous caravan mission that allowed Lucilia to obtain this information. Lyn also arrive,d a tinge a guilt going through her. Perhaps it was Lucilia's mistake to indulge Lyn so many months ago, but now she was an adult. If Lyn has chosen to do this mission out of her own free will, then Lucilia would oblige. Leith also arrived, somewhat of a surprise but not one that Lucilia had any issues with. He has proven reliable in his mission in Eania and was helpful in Lyn's hunt. Hopefully he would continue to succeed on this diplomatic mission. The last to arrive in Lucilia's office did give her some hesitation; Keri. They have trained together for some time, and again, Lucilia wasn't one to deny help when it was offered. But she did have to coax Keri to come along on this mission, mainly under the impression that she was protecting Lyn. Lucilia still wondered where exactly Keri's motivations where. Did she still seek vengeance? Was the college merely a tool for that goal? Did she have any interest in the college's interest? Lucilia hopes that Keri would not end up like Alaira, selfishly fulfilling her own goals at the cost of others. But Lucilia would see after this mission. Once everyone was gathered Lucilia began the debriefing. She first started by opening a map of Djarkel, pointing towards the city of Hysteria. [color=crimson]"You five are to head into Yarosmere on a diplomatic mission. Using the information received from the students that participated in the Caravan Mission, I have reason to believe that some of our allies in Djarkel are in trouble, some who I believe may even turn towards our enemies for a solution. There are three barons I need each of you to see. The first is an member of my vampire court, Baron Lotte Carmine. An arrogant bastard,but he holds considerable influence over the various vampire clans in Djarkel. I do not know the exact nature of his troubles, but I can assure you that even though he is an ally to the college he would not indulge his troubles if he doesn't believe you're capable of helping him. He is holding a gala in celebration of his son, born with the blessing of Aarem himself. Many of the clan leaders would be attending so it is imperative that you make a good impression on all of them. I will warn you: Even though this is a celebration, do not let your guard down. Many would know that you represent the college and would challenge you, be it in wits, spells, or even swordplay. Do be savvy; while I have no doubts that you can defeat them, wounded pride can do more damage than death could."[/color] Then Lucilia pointed towards the five Mountains in Djarkel, specifically the War Mountain. [color=crimson]"The next Baron you shall meet is Baron Gurot Praxis. His father, the previous baron, had recently passed away and today he will be inaugurated as the new Baron. The Praxis family is an important trade partner for the college and facilitates the college's mercantile influence throughout Djarkel. While there are other barons with similar influence, his is the only one that allows the college free passage through the Djarkel Mountains. While he's already familiar with the college, I would like you all to meet him during his inauguration and cement his alliance to the college. His inauguration will last for a week, and two days after Baron Lotte's gala. However there is one issue of note: I have confirmed that there are those who do not wish Gurot to take the title of Baron. And this being Djarkel, obviously there may be an assassination attempt. I do not expect you to protect the Baron for the entirety of his Inauguration, however if you can find evidence of this assassination plot, or possibly even foil it, I'm certain this would seal an alliance with him."[/color] Finally, Lucilia pointed towards a location between the Djarkel Mountains and the city of Sorrow. In between, there was a mark, jagged line. [color=crimson]"The final baron you shall meet will be the most dangerous I believe. Her name is Baroness Isabella Valerica. The wife to Baron Graf Velerica, who had recently been killed in a demon attack on the city of Sorrow. This line is the Ravine of Demons; recent reports shows that the Ravine has widen, do doubt due to Kudd's influence, and Isabella has chosen to amass her army to face these demons and drive them back into the Ravine. As a gesture of good will, you five will aid her army in preparation for battle. The reason I can only send you five instead of an army of our own is due to Graf's negative relationship with the college. He was oppose to us, nonviolently of course, but even after his death his wife is in no hurry to seek our aid. Provide whatever help you can to ensure their victory, and should the day be won then we could use it to leverage our influence with Isabella, as well as other barons who lack faith in the college."[/color] After explaining the jist of the mission, Lucilia handed each a voucher. The voucher could be used to obtain basic supplies from the college's store, though it also included formal wear for the gala they would be attending. Additionally, because they are diplomats as oppose to simply guardsmen, two carriages have been assigned to the five students to take them through Djarkel. Two golems made by Uicle himself would serve as their carriage drivers; they were capable of taking care of the horses and themselves, and would ensure that no one would try to bride the drivers for treachery. The students were to leave as soon as possible; the carriage would go at nightfall at the latest, so anyone who was not there by that time would miss out on the mission.