Ray wasn't too sure about whether he liked this Graham Aker or considered him a bit of an idiot. Then again those things weren't mutually exclusive, he could just be a likeable goof. He could definitely understand why Ryo disliked him though, he seemed the type to buy too much into the warrior ethos crap that was often sold to soldiers. "Talking to the wrong guy about that. Me, I focus on keeping myself and my people safe, war isn't a sport or a game", he said, finally stepping up to Graham to shake his hand. "Give it time and you'll get there. Can't say I've seen anyone or anything special though, whole lot of nothing". "Moving on to something we can agree on, flying models are the future my friend. Just as long as the higher ups are willing to invest in them you get stuff like this baby" he gestured towards his Zeta Plus, which was completely unnecessary but it was kind of like the owner of an expensive car showing it off to friends who can't quite afford it. "Stick with your uh, Flag you called it? and have it worked on, upgrade it, I've seen 17 year old machines truck on with enough effort". It was then that Ray finally remembered there were actually important things to discuss. "And uh, what exactly is OMNI anyway? And what's this I hear about fielding children?".