In which I make an avian extragalactic empire that's sent a small scouting contingent into the galaxy, about equal strength with the other nations, as a "god fuck there are so many galaxies have this arctic outpost assignment". [hider=The Universal Union] [center][h1]The Universal Union[/h1][img][/img][/center] [h2]Species[/h2] [hider=Sketched Appearance] [img][/img] (Thank ye gimmick) [/hider] The UU is made up entirely of a single species, any other species in its grasp reduced to at best satellite states. The Union maintains a racial purity almost fanatically. This species is known as the Aelosians, a species of avians with hollow bones, light weight, a healthy covering of feathers, and a height ranging from 3'11" to 5'1". Despite their unintimidating frame, they have ruthlessly and uncompromisingly become the rulers of hundreds of galaxies. They are limited in number, however, and a majority of their workforce and army are made up of robotic hosts, of varying appearance. They share two aspects, however, loyalty to the Union and hyperintelligence. [h2]Government[/h2] While it is a Union in theory, in reality, it is at best an autocracy. Ruled by a single dictator who has lived for perhaps millions of years, it is an ancient empire with a significant military presence to impose order on those they see as primitive savages. Each galaxy is represented by a single person, making a council of advisors to the dictator that is more than enough to fill an entire congress hall. Most scouted galaxies have no council members, however, as they are simply considered too unimportant to put that many resources into. The downside to this massive government, however, is the pure bureaucracy involved. Entire galaxies have been lost as a result of a bad paper shuffle, and distress signals have not seen responses for tens of thousands of years. It is a slow, hulking beast, kept beating by its pure mass. Soldiers and politicians of the Union have learned to act on their own without exterior support, making the entire government a fractured mess, held together purely by the utterly ruthless nature of the Aelosians. [h2]Description of military[/h2] The military is an incredibly varied set of armies and ships. Each military is organized based on the needs of its specific sector, where there may be thousands of sectors in a single galaxy. In this specific galaxy, however, the military forces are organized into the UUGN and the UUGA. The UUGN is the Universal Union Galactic Navy, a name adopted by many more galaxies than just the small scout contingent of this galaxy. It is made up of hyper-advanced ships, albeit in few number. In a direct fight, a single frigate could take on a small fleet. As such, their weakness is not in direct, pitched battles, but rather guerilla attacks, ambushes, and simply avoiding the areas they are in. There are currently twenty UUGN vessels in the galaxy: [b]1 Galactic Carrier Titan[/b] A star-sized titanic ship, it is heavily armed, armored, and massive. It acts as the warp gate connecting the galaxy to the rest of the Union. [b]2 Valkyrie Class Carriers[/b] A 175000-meter ship, it contains a wealth of drone fighters, and can carry frigates from place to place. As it is much more lightly armored and armed, it is much more maneuverable. [b]3 Pheonix Class Battleships[/b] A 100000-meter ship, it is a massive, hulking and unmaneuverable ship. It could take months for one of these battleships to align to its next destination, and it simply relies on heavy firepower and the element of surprise -- the hulking ship doing best when warping into a preplanned destination, that, for example, may be known to station a fleet. [b]5 Awe Class Cruisers[/b] This 2030 meter ship is a massive step down from the other ships, making up the much more practical and everyday side of the fleet. Along with frigates, it is what a majority of enemies will be squaring off against. [b]9 Magpie Class Frigates[/b] Clocking in at 546 meters, it is one of the smallest ships in the UU arsenal, and by far the most practical. It is the single most common ship to encounter in the Union due to its reliable nature. The UUGA, the Universal Union Galactic Army, is a set of ten thousand soldiers, clad in gear incomprehensible to many traditional species. They follow in the footsteps of the Navy, capable of tearing through an entire planet's worth of soldiers with few casualties in a direct fight. The best way to fight them is not in direct battles but in unconventional warfare. They are also few enough in number that they are easy to overextend. [hider=UUGA] [img][/img] [/hider] [h2]Technological Overview[/h2][color=gray]"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."[/color] The Universal Union employs technology so advanced that galaxy hopping is a relaxing journey to them. They carry generators that draw power from both vacuum and exotic matter. They also employ warp technology that breaches the fabric of the universe. In short, they are more advanced than words can express. However, most of this technology is not made by them. It is instead stolen from other species and improved upon until it meets the standards of the Union. There is little to no original designs in the Union, which is a major malus to them. They, in particular, have not yet truly discovered any sort of shielding, and instead, rely on superalloys. Due to the bureaucratic nature of the Union, galaxies with little Union presence in them might see the rest of the Union advance far beyond them, becoming as alien to the Union citizens in the galaxy as the Union citizens are to the rest of the galaxy. [h2]Cultural Overview[/h2] The culture of the Union may seem pure evil at first, but every action has a reason towards a greater goal. Any Aelosian is indoctrinated at birth to feel no remorse from kicking puppies, as long as kicking said puppies furthers their goals. The culture is utterly unfettered, and as a result, they are ruthlessly efficient in many tasks. However, due to their pure size, they are at best dismissive and at worst snooty, seeing most species as so far below them that bothering to conquer them is too much of an annoyance, like a human not noticing a single gnat. As a result, they are actually rather passive, except for when they feel they stand to gain plenty from intervening. As a result of their ruthless nature, they are not above trading. While it may be an annoyance to conquer a species, it is a lesser annoyance to simply convince them to give up their technologies for review by the Union via trade. They make use of old, primitive designs from their perspective, which to many other species is rather advanced. [h2]History[/h2] The Union started off as any other species did -- a tribal conglomeration using naught but rocks as tools. From here, they advanced throughout the technological ages, until they reached the space age. There, that was when their real history, and destiny, began. Their homeworld is in fact so old that its star has long gone supernovae and taken the world with it. But before then, it was your standard star-faring nation. With eyes full of hope and an optimistic outlook, they spread throughout their little region of space, another sector in a galaxy full of species. They were an enthusiastic member of their respective galactic society for thousand of years, always a fair trading partner, a good ally. By when they were betrayed, everything changed. Inside every cynic, there is a disappointed optimist, and the Union was very disappointed indeed. Their boundless optimism turned to boundless hate at those who betrayed them and those who failed to act. That boundless hate turned into a boundless lust for ruthless revenge. And revenge they did, turning plows into knives, tractors into guns. They sabotaged themselves to see the rest of the galaxy go down with them. But they did not fall. At the end of the great war that had sparked, they alone stood. They stood starving, stood faultily, but they alone were the dominant species in a galaxy where genocide had, for a short while, became perfectly acceptable. Except for the fact that to them, genocide never fell out of favor. It had won them the war, no matter the costs. The ends justify the means. Now the sole power in the galaxy, they took the technology that remained from every other empire and began improving, and experimenting. They were unethical, but they got results. They were efficient, and once again ruthless. They didn't kick puppies, they mulched puppies into liquids needed to form healing compounds. Once they had stabilized their position in the galaxy, they looked up to the stars beyond their own, and they believed it was their manifest destiny. Billions of years ago, they conducted their first successful extragalactic warp. From there, they blossomed. While initially an efficient empire capable of responding to quickly, they rapidly suffered fatigue as galaxy after galaxy fell to them. It was simply too much to govern, and the bureaucracy only continued to grow, until it was what it is today. Their culture was the one thing that, oddly, stayed the same. Indoctrinated from birth, morals were rare in their society. The result was all that mattered, to everyone, everywhere. Even after billions of years, they retained the genetic memory of the disappointed idealist. Their technology evolved imperfectly, as they came to rely more and more on stealing the ideas, concepts, and designs of other species. [h2]Other[/h2] [/hider]