[center][h1][color=cc4353]Wʏɴᴏɴᴀ[/color] // [color=a187be]Sᴇʟᴇɴᴇ[/color][/h1][img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/dd534985616e41bd8c335b2b55ac24c8.png[/img] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] Lᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Lᴜɴᴄʜʀᴏᴏᴍ Iɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs: Eᴀᴄʜᴏᴛʜᴇʀ [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Selene sat through the next few classes peacefully, leaving candies on the desk of the new teachers, whether or not they reacted. It was best to get to know them - she had a feeling Mr. Fridley would not be fazed into improving her grades, and that was fine. Mr. Shmiddt seemed rather excitable, and Selene couldn't help but begin plotting her own science experiment for next year. It was tempting to test if eyeshadow products affected plant growth, but given their costs... Well, she wasn't ready to take the idea off the table just yet, but hopefully she'd come up with something better. Meantime, better to ponder how to make a volcano interesting. Besides glitter. When the lunch bell rang, Selene rushed through the halls as fast as the rules would allow her to go. Time was limited before she'd get in trouble, but she wanted to at least say hi to some of the more important staff of the school. The security officer wasn't at his desk, so Selene tore a page from her notebook and left a note with the wrapped sweets. The school's counselor, a one-person office (the school did seem a bit small, Selene supposed, and the middle school only had one as well), seemed grateful for the treats before asking if she was supposed to be in class. Clearly, giving out the candy was a good idea, as he wrote her a pass so she could deliver candy to the office secretaries before heading to lunch and not have to fear getting in trouble. Of course, she wasn't expecting that, but she'd hardly demur. The office secretaries were much too busy for more than a thank you and a farewell, but Selene understood. And finally, finally, to the lunch room. She was late, she knew - the line had already died down quite a bit by the time she reached the cafeteria. It was good, since she had decided to at least sample the fare of Arrowsmith High before deciding how often to pack a lunch. She could smell pizza. Despite the warm weather, pizza was almost always good. It was the one dish her elementary school had been unable to mess up. Of course she was willing to wait in line and grab a slice. Sure, fruit cup too - carton of milk, double-check the date and take a sniff and shake. Smelled ok, nothing solid banging around inside. Good to go. With lunch grabbed, she surveyed the tables for a place to sit. Wynona had been drifting from class to class since homeroom. She was impressed that her two truth and one lie had been guessed so easily. She wasn't a very good liar, which all in all wasn't a terrible trait to have. Listening to the rest of her classmates go up and tell their trio of lines, the young girl made note of the things that were true. It was interesting to find out what people were into despite their outward appearances. You really can't judge a book by it's cover. By next period Wynona had began to gather a bit more energy as she eventually woke up from the morning haze she had spent most of homeroom in. Mr. Fridley seemed like a complete and total bore, but I guess school wasn't meant to have the most excitement involved. She couldn't believe that he had given them homework already, even if it was just getting a paper signed. She instantly wondered which of her parent's she would ask, knowing that the person she didn't choose would end up getting hurt and ultimately yell and scream at the other. She considered forging the signature to avoid the confrontation at all, but decided to wait until later tonight before any final decisions. By science class Wynona's stomach was grumbling. She hadn't had much of a breakfast and it was a clear reminder that she needed to eat something a bit more filling. Mr. Shmiddt was energetic as well as handsome. Wynona noted this, as she watched him hop from desk to desk as he explained what was to be learned that year, and how excited he was to be able to have his class in the science fair. Glancing over the supplies list, and the other rules and projects to come, she hoped that this class wasn't going to be too hard. She struggled at Science and Math since elementary school, and even a teacher as excited as he was, wasn't going to help that. Lunch couldn't have came at a better time as Wynona went to her locker and after a few attempts eventually got it open. She tossed her bag in, not wanting to have to carry it through the lunch line or have to worry about it getting dirty or worse yet stolen while she chowing down. Her brother had told her that when he had gone to Arrowsmith the food was "bomb" and you definitely didn't have to worry about packing a lunch. Granted, Ryon was usually skipping school, so Wynona questioned his opinions on the matter. Reaching the lunch line, the girl decided Pizza was a good choice, along with the fries, fruit cup, and a salad from the salad bar that was available. It all seemed good, and would at least keep her from starving until dinner time later at home. Her first initial though after typing in her pin code for paying for her lunch and looking up into the mass of students eating and chatting was fear. Her second thought was that there were a lot of opportunities for friendships to come. Her third thought- sit down as quickly as possible so you don't seem like a complete nerd. Quickly finding an empty table, she picked up her pizza, folded it slightly in half and took the first bite. It wasn't the best pizza she had ever had, but pizza was good no matter what. It took Selene a bit before she noticed the person sitting at the empty table - a few seconds before she realized she recognized her - and she whisked her tray over to go sit with her fellow student. [color=a187be]"Hi."[/color] Even if the table was empty, it was only fair to ask first, as she stood over Wynona, tray in her hands. [color=a187be]"Mind if I sit with you?"[/color] Wynona glanced up as she was asked a question. She swallowed her pizza quickly, practically choking as she called out in a voice a little too loud, [color=cc4353][i]"NO!"[/i][/color] Wynona paused, before deciding to reconstruct her answer. [color=cc4353][i]"I mean no, as in I don't mind. Please sit with me."[/i][/color] she told the girl, recognizing her from the previous classes she had been in today. Selene nodded, taking a seat right beside Wynona. [color=a187be]"I don't think we've properly met. Selene - obviously, in your homeroom."[/color] She didn't quite know what to make of that outburst, but considering how startled she had seemed... Selene pushed her sunglasses against the bridge of her nose. Yup, still in place. And she had definitely showered before going to school. So it probably wasn't something she did. [color=a187be]"Do you know anyone here yet?"[/color] It was a bit to the point, but far nicer than just asking 'why are you eating alone', she felt. That was something Nikki would say. Sadly, she didn't have that much candy left to spare if she was planning on giving it to teachers after lunch too. [color=cc4353][i]"I'm Wynona."[/i][/color] she responded, [color=cc4353][i]"I remember you from homeroom as well as my other classes. I noticed you."[/i][/color] Wynona paused, [color=cc4353][i]"Not that you're really noticable. I mean, you're noticable but not overly noticable like a weird noticable."[/i][/color] Wynona dug herself into a hole as she shoved another bite of pizza into her mouth. She swallowed [color=cc4353][i]"I'm sorry. I'm bad at these things."[/i][/color] she admitted, a bit of color streaking her cheeks. Not so much of embarassment but more of overwhelment. Answering Selene's question Wynona said, [color=cc4353][i]"I met Lily and Sadie at the carnival yesterday, but besides that- not really."[/i][/color] Wynona had transfered from another junior high that some of the others had all attended. [color=cc4353][i]"You seem to know a few people though. It was nice to give out candy earlier, I kept mine for home. My mom's in dentistry so she doesn't allow this stuff at home, so I wanted it for later tonight."[/i][/color] she admitted, looking at Selene. Selene nodded as Wynona talked - and kind of, just a tad, kept going. Not that she opposed the clarification. At least she meant well. Not that Selene let her expression change, instead watching her thoughtfully from behind her sunglasses, only breaking the vigil to take a bite from her pizza. A bit greasy, but it wasn't anything they had messed up. She could eat this. Maybe the rest of the food wasn't too bad, but it'd still be better to pack lunch most days, if not cheaper. Instead, she let Wynona finish up before nodding. [color=a187be]"That's fair enough. I won't bring candy every day - gets a bit expensive, except around Halloween."[/color] Halloween wasn't her favorite holiday, but the sales made it a good one. She thought it over, trying to decide the best way to phrase what she wanted to say next tactfully. [color=a187be]"I did notice, on my way here, that the school has vending machines for soda and candy."[/color] If Wynona wanted suggestions on what to try, Selene had some advice to give. Mostly, the brand candies weren't worth the extra quarters. Better to sneak out and buy those in bulk. [color=a187be]"As for Sadie and Lily - Sadie sits next to me, doesn't she? I don't think I know Lily."[/color] She paused. [color=a187be]"Well, I knew [i]a[/i] Lily, but that was before my family moved to Arrowsmith. I doubt she's the same one."[/color] Wynona let out a small giggle when Selene mentioned the vending machines. She hadn't thought of that idea, and the thought of her mother scratching her head as more and more candy wrappers showed up at their home brought a bit of joy to the girl. [color=cc4353][i]"Good idea."[/i][/color] she commented, eating and nodding as Selene spoke. [color=cc4353][i]"They are both very nice girls. It's hard to find that around here, especially on the first day."[/i][/color] she commented, hoping that Selene would be another person she could add to her list of 'girls who seem to be nice'. [color=a187be]"Thank you."[/color] Selene couldn't help but beam. [color=a187be]"Indeed. For what it's worth, Amelia....seemed nice yesterday at the fair. If maybe a bit oblivious about how they worked."[/color] She shook her head. [color=a187be]"I guess it makes some sense now. She hadn't wanted to talk about it yesterday, you know, and EJ didn't want to tell me."[/color] She glanced around, looking for the two. Surely, they wouldn't mind if Selene decided to sit with this new girl. [color=a187be]"EJ - he's a sweet guy, just very complimentary. All he wants is to see people smile so, uh - if he flirts? Don't take him too seriously."[/color] The wink was implied. Wynona nodded, recognizing those names and slightly their faces, but not have met them properly yet besides seeing them in class. [color=cc4353][i]"No promises."[/i][/color] Wynona teased, sticking her tongue out slightly. She could admit to being a little boy crazy at this age, especially since she hadn't had even her first kiss yet alone a boyfriend. [color=cc4353][i]"Maybe they will come sit with us for lunch."[/i][/color] Wynona added, looking around to see if she could spot the two before continuing eating her lunch.