[s]My memory's all hazy and shit, but WrongEndOfTheRainbow was either a pretty decent RPer or the guy that wanted galaxy-sized battleships. Pretty sure its the first one because I saw the username and was like "Oh good I like that guy". Or maybe I've never even seen him and everyone I thought I knew in this thread just has really similar usernames to people that I remember. Either way, I am concerned about the UU's power level. I'd be okay to see some sort of lost legion sort of thing where they can't contact their homelands, but if they CAN contact them then the moment a war breaks out all that needs to be done is have Jeff call up the homeworld and be all like "Ayo send us some battleships" and then everyone everywhere is dead. That being said, I like the concept. If [@WrongEndoftheRainbow] is willing to make it more of a lost legion sort of deal instead of a very much connected scouting party I'd be okay with it. Of course, if we suddenly hear about an "Entire planet turned into giant factory for UU by nanobots and fifteen bazillion new battleships constructed." then we'll have to have a banhammer drop and some sort of [s]Great Patriotic[/s] War against the now-NPC UU. Which I'd like to avoid because those sorts of planned events always fuck shit up unless you're real lucky.[/s] EDIT: Okay yeah just read the new posts, if we don't see any reinforcements then it's probably all good. But if you start nanobotting and robot-factorying the shit out of planet then it's the Great Patriotic War against banned NPC you.