[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sgJ8bPj.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/92/37/0e92379292405e0f4349398569050dac.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HvxY2uW.png[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Cafeteria [b]Interactions:[/b] | [color=4BD8E8][b]Abbie McGumffery[/b][/color] [@sakurasan] | [img]http://i.imgur.com/HvxY2uW.png[/img] [/center] [center][color=48D8E8][b]"Hey, lovesick idiot. So, how was half of the first day of school?"[/b][/color][/center] Clyde quickly rubbed his face and returned to the normal scowl planted on his face. Though, with Abbie around, it was difficult to not smile. It's how close friends are. It was impossible not feeling alive when your best friend was near you. The gal knew how to make a rainy day glow. "Is my face that obvious?" chuckled Clyde. Not really. The boy still looked like a delinquent. More like a psychopathic delinquent with his constant blushing and random smiles. "First half was borin'. Homeroom teacher was a little too enthusiastic for my taste. Mr. Fridley is an old school gentleman, right to the point. The way I like it. And, uh, what's his name... Mr. Schmiddt! Yeah, him, he's like homeroom. Full'a ideas 'n stuff, real happy to teach 'n all that jazz." Clyde gave Abbie a curious glance before returning to his food. For a girl arriving at school when half the day is nearly over she looked a bit on the exhausted side. The boy knew her home life was not something desired, and it made him worry when her usual exuberant persona was not present. But how could he speak his concern? If he was as eloquent with words in his mind as he was with speech, this would be a piece of cake. And suddenly he felt selfish. It was always Abbie that was concerned with Clyde. He wanted her to know that she was not alone in this dynamic duo. It was a team effort. It said so in the contract, after all. But Clyde also wanted to ask her if she could come along to the rec after school. It seemed rather discourteous to go from asking how she was immediately to Clyde's lack of love life. Perhaps careful wording would be good? Keep the most important topic for last. It seemed like a decent enough idea. "So, after school, would you accompany me to the rec? I'd like to show ya' somethin' cool, yeah?" Clyde fidgeted with his fingers for a second before turning back to Abbie. "You... don't look so well rested for a gal who came to school late," mumbled Clyde. "Everythin' alright? Ya' know, you can always talk to me, yeah? I'll always be here for ya'." It sounded a lot better and less awkward in his head. Clyde rubbed Abbie's shoulder with his free hand, and though it was a little rough given how he did not known his own strength, he was certain the gesture was not lost on the girl. The internet said shoulder rubs are excellent gestures of reassurance and friendship. "Tell ya' what, even if ya' don't wanna talk, I came upon some spare cash. Let's get some ice cream! That always cheers people up! I read that on the internet," boasted Clyde. The boy was proud of his research, though it made him sound like a complete fool.