Roger leaned back, thoughtfully. He didn't even blink when she mentioned we. It was automatically assumed that he would be with her on this journey. Together they would figure out what who sent the letter and find what they needed to recover the research her father had hidden. He just hoped that no trouble would come while they were at it. If Dr. Brown believed there was enough of a threat that he had his friend hold the letter for a year after his death, then Roger needed need to stay alert and make sure no harm came to Bea. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to her. He turned his thoughts back to her comment. He was the type to take his time thinking through things. He didn't rush, he didn't blurt out whatever came to his mind first. He thought about it, pondered it, and then - if necessary - spoke. That was what he liked about Bae. Most people got annoyed that he didn't always blurt out ideas or offer his opinion right away but she didn't mind. He looked up. "You recognized the handwriting," he said more as an observation. "Hmm. We could but it's doubtful they'll know. Unless it's a smaller courier service." He frowned thoughtfully. "Do you you still have your father's letters - the ones he got from his university roommates? Maybe it's one of them." The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. They hadn't been in touch much when he worked there. In fact, he only remembered Dr. Brown mentioning them one time and how they had been close. Dr. Brown wouldn't send it to someone he was in close contact with. That would be among the first places his enemies would look. No, he would send it to someone older - someone he trusted but didn't stay in contact with.