[center][h1][color=orange]Lifprasil[/color], [color=ec008c]Falas[/color], [color=00aeef]Loth[/color], [color=B05F3C]Belvast[/color][/h1] [h3]The relevant people[/h3][/center] And then whenceforth two leaders and their segmented armies made their approach to one's city, riding upon a mountain pass less travelled by men, more or less armies. This path, carved into the jagged edges tearing themselves away from the flesh of the world was known only as 'Occam's Steppes'. Lifprasil rode upon Oevadia, of whom scaled passes ahead of his army with relative ease, the nightmarish creature - yet retaining a sense of eldritch regalia - twisted and crawled upon the trail manifested by Occam; and the Alefprian warriors who left the Valley of Peace trailed close behind. The height of Occam's Steppes varied, and on ocassion one would catch a glimpse of strange wooden creatures that had perished building this pass, molded and malformed from residing in patches of woodland greenery; strange, colorful fauna grew from their core. [color=orange]"These were created by Illunabar and her Muses - Mannequins that helped build Alefpria, however mindlessly."[/color] Lifprasil stated loudly, over the wind that battled against the lush, otherworldly fauna that relished in the extreme height of the mountains. He pressed forward still, leading his men, and Falas', to a gap in the path that opened to a tremendous stone fortress. The walls were fresh stone, reinforced by brilliant silver tapestry, and colors of dim reds, yellows, and limes that created patterns amongst the large blocks that formed the U shaped frontal wall of the fortress. Three gates made from thick Alefprian wood were the only points that made entrance feasible within the massive, impenetrable structure guarding the only path into Alefpria, past Illunabar's mirrors. When the largest, central gate opened, Falas and her Angels could see an army smaller in bulk to the one that confronted the Horde of Chaos, but still equipped in weapons beyond their time. [url=https://i.gyazo.com/1b0b375988154032b3202c621fea64fb.png]Glimmering metal covered the footsoldiers in formation along the path through their station[/url], flanked by wooden horses draped in thick tarp, topped by regalia upon their ornate heads. These were cavalrymen, trained by the old Lifprasilian outriders of Alefpria's frontier. [url=https://i.gyazo.com/c1da495f76d4b024d290d476c21073c7.png]Behind them were a caste of humans equipped with bows and arrows, each one was covered from head to toe in a strange uniform; wrapped in leather and cloth in a tight bundle that gave each unidentified person an air of mystery and allure to themselves.[/url] These were archers, trained by the Warrior Huntress Susa herself. [i]Ala A Alefpria![/i] Chanted the soldiers, saluting in volition to their Immortal Emperor's arrival. The guards here were much more diverse than the force that battled Grot, each one ranged from the height of a smaller Hain, to that of a hulking Lifprasilian; but every man and woman stood as equals. The sight was truly spectacular, a fleet of Alefprian citizens threw flowers into the path of the parade, cheering and yelling in glee at the return of their triumphant comrades; but also staring in awe at the sight of the winged angels. This carried on through the narrow fortress, ten minutes at least, until the tapering line of troops came upon the other side, and were greeted by a relief of Alefpria itself. It was a tremendous city, wreathed in sunlight straining through the mountains to Falas' right, but cascading like water through the ocean to her left. Alefpria was as if a paradise upon this blighted world, the streets streamed with healthy people, and the military still extended down a much wider path, a ramp of stone, down into the widest street of the city; that which cut into the cityscape like a dazzling knife of white brick. There was a tremendous gathering of people down below, but Lifprasil took pause, and looked back to Falas. [color=orange]"What do you think?"[/color] he questioned, over the distant sound of instruments and cheering. Falas and her Angels were seeing sights that were new to them as they floated along. Having spent most, if not all, their lives in the Valley of Peace, they were left staring in wonder at the world the Gods had created. The Mannequins were completely unheard of, leaving a few Angels wondering what they could have been building. Eventually, though, they reached Alefpria. Upon seeing the massive, colorful walls and the army behind the gate, the Angels were very much culture shocked. There was nothing that could have prepared them for what they would see and hear from this city. The soldiers wearing suits of metal as if it were merely casual wear, the walkways and buildings made of stone, everything was completely alien to them. Even for Falas, this was no exception. She had never seen anything like it. The sight of it was just so.... daunting. "[color=00aeef]Remember what I've told you. Don't look [i]too[/i] amazed. Keep your composure in check,[/color]" Loth said as he walked next to Falas. Falas certainly tried, but the curiosity and wonder was evident on her face. As Lifprasil turned to address Falas, she turned to him and said, "[color=ec008c]It's... incredible! Everything here is just so... different from the Valley of Peace. How did all of this get built?[/color]" Lifprasil smiled. Petals flew through the air, swirling to greater and greater heights to meet Oevadia - of whom sputtered upon meeting them. [color=orange]"I inspired the people, I gave them something to believe in, and aside from the creatures of living deadwood - the mortals built all this upon their own volition: to supply for family, to supply for self, and most of all, to supply for the greater good."[/color] Lifprasil explained dilligently, looking down upon his city with a sense of what could best be described as pride. He raised a hand, as if he held something within it, and all that were beneath him returned the gesture, curling their free arms close to their collective hearts. They all began to chant, and the instruments changed their intensity to match the cheering of the crowd. [url=https://youtu.be/_7V9xsQIkUQ][i]"Ala A Alefpria! Ala A Alefpria! Ala A Alefpria! Ala A Alefpria! Ala A Alefpria!"[/i][/url] Yelled the crowd in scattered unison as Lifprasil descended the steppes into the city upon Oevadia, of whom seemed mildly overwhelmed by the wall of noise it slinked into. Lifprasil was sure to keep the creature under his calmer tenure, and soon it pressed forward, tall and regal, with its master upon a high seat. [color=orange]"Prosit!"[/color] Lifprasil shouted to his subjects. Consequently, the rumbling cries of his people turned into a triumphant roar so loud, that maybe even the Gods heard the invincible cries of such a fragile collectivity. Lifprasil motioned for Falas to follow, once he had finished his greeting, [color=orange]"Come come - the parade is almost over."[/color] he stated, leading into the streets of Alefpria, that which yielded to a circular square, punctuated by what appeared to be a statue of an Alefprian in the middle. The parade seemed to cease here, and manifested into a square of commerce and exotic fruits and vegetables, some more dizzingly vibrant than others. Here, Lifprasil dismissed Oevadia, of whom jettisoned away to an unknown perch, leaving Falas, Loth, and the two parties' guard to speak away from the now distant celebration. And so the parade ended. The few Angels that had accompanied Falas began to chatter about what they had just experienced and how they were going to tell everyone else back at home. Falas, meanwhile, began to relax a bit, sighing. The journey to Alefpria had taken a while, and Falas was feeling quite tired now. Loth was also beginning to feel the same way, but showed little sign of it. However, Loth did think that perhaps a rest would be a good idea, and so decided to turn to Lifprasil and ask, "[color=00aeef]Excuse me, are there any lodgings for the Angels? It would be good to know where they are.[/color]" Lifprasil nodded to Falas' inquiry [color=orange]"Of course - you will all be staying in my palace, built by the Muses four,"[/color] he explained, motioning to the architectural marvel over-looking the vast city. He then dismissed his guards, of whom returned to attend the festivities that persisted still. [color=orange]"Follow."[/color] he said, simply, glowing with happiness - Lifprasil's spirits had been rejuvinated by the pure emotional power resonating off of the immense parade; which began to evolve into a party within a tight cluster of the town. Lifprasil guided them through emptying streets - he had none to fear, as a Demi-God leading a hero and her angels. [color=orange]"So - do you have any interest in establishing a connection between the valley and Alefpria? I'm sure a permanent residence can bet set up for the Angels."[/color] Lifprasil began, pacing, and navigating through winding streets as if he had overseen their construction in their entirety. As the Angels followed Lifprasil, Falas turned to Loth and gave him a smile of appreciation. As Lifprasil asked about a premanent residence, Falas appeared thoughtful. "[color=ec008c]I can't say I'm not interested, but I'm not entirely sure. I'd like to speak with the Angels in the Valley of Peace first before I can make a decision,[/color]" Falas finally replied. "[color=00aeef]That is probably for the best,[/color]" Loth added, nodding. "[color=00aeef]From what I remember about the Angels, they mostly spend their time lounging around wherever they pleased. Not much work to do when just about everything you need is already provided in the land.[/color]" Loth placed a hand on his chin, thinking back in the early days of the Angels. "[color=00aeef]From what I can tell now, that part of them has not changed very much, or at least, if they have changed, most are already reverting back. It's a pity. Angels have the potential to be so much, yet they squander the gifts Mother Niciel has granted us.[/color]" [i]Elsewhere...[/i] Oevadia soared happily to newer heights, skirting clouds just above the shimmering ocean beneath her. In her head, she had already mapped the circumference of the planet she had explored - which was quite vast, and Oevadia considered it their obligation to fly around her territory every day, looking for strange bits and tokens. Within any respectable definition of the term, Oevadia was euphoric in her plight. She found shells from dead Hain, skeletons from dead everything, and even a White Giant she had fun playing with; those were the rarest of the bright things within her proximity. She also had fun sifting through sand with her pointy beak, along gravel and dirt, to find rocks that contrasted with her gray skin. This was fun, in the jet powered beast's mind, but she couldn't help but notice that most of the other creatures that shared the skies with her all but ebbed away from her powerful speed. It made her quite a bit sad, not having friends to fly with - she wanted to pick up people and make them fly with her, as they all but chose to just walk around on the ground like so. It was very boring. However! Lifprasil told her: [i]"No making people fly - that's bad!"[/i], Oevadia didn't quite understand why it was so bad, she just assumed all things flew, but she had a responsibility to obey her master, of whom she loved very much. However, on this day, she saw something interesting: things that did fly, and were flying right toward her. How exciting! She decided to meet them halfway, these friends, geometric, glittering creatures that flew almost as high as she could. Suddenly, contact, and Oevadia spun around when they began their assault, these three creatures, they all began to stab at her, spit cleansing fire at her, so she ran away faster than they could give chase. However, they remained dilligent in their chase, and proceeded onward. Oevadia, in her panic, retreated to her home in Alepfria - and the Realta were following behind her, growing from three to eight strong. Loth was about to say more, while Falas was ready to interrupt and berate him, but then they stopped. The Angels who had listened to Loth, who also could not argue against his words due to how close they hit home, were brimming with silent rage. One was about to make a scathing remark, but Falas held up a hand to silence him. Alefpria was brimming with activity now, that which deafened the sounds of Oevadia's retreat. The returning army rejoiced with family and friends, and the momentous triumph against Grot was reason enough to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the sea stained air of Alepfira. Guards that had stayed behind dotted the crowd, particularly near the bay, after a lookout named Gestun spotted the darkened form of Oevadia rocketing across the blue sky. He, and his backup, both went to retrieve the Bay Guard's Commander, one of four that Lakshmi had appointed to protect sections of the beautiful city. His name was Commander Pingertian, of whom was a chubby Lifprasilian man, who owned a small house that occupied a small space just at the cusp of Alefpria's beaches. He sat in the rectangular center of his two story home, armor resting within the arms of an idle Mannequin. Despite the noise, he felt peaceful as he sat at his tiny circular table, reviewing what appeared to be catalogues and statistics that needed to be filled. He organized wooden figures to represent the alotted resources for his Bay Guard - and in this activity he was happy. Suddenly, the lazy atmosphere of Pingertian's work was interrupted by the lookout that had not only spotted Oevadia - but glimmering shapes just over the horizon. [i]"Commander Pingertian! Sir!"[/i] he saluted in a similar fashion to those that greeted the parade. Pingertian flinched when the newly painted door behind his lookout swung shut, shaking in its frame. [i]"What is it, Gestun? I'm quite busy here, you know.[/i] Replied Pingertian in a deep, humbling voice, of whom reluctantly added an 'at ease' to his response. [i]"It seems that Emperor Lifprasil's throne has returned from its travels, but strange figures follow it in the distance, riding the wind almost as fast as his lord's mount."[/i] Gestun explained. Pingertian was still in a drowsy state, but perked up regardless, knocking his stool over as he stood to his immense, full height. The wood had clattered onto the floor when the Commander approached his servant, and relinquished his supplies from its care. [i]"Go retrieve a dispatch of one hundred warriors, forty archers, and a group of ten cavalrymen to push the crowd away from the Bay. I'm confident that you can do this with haste."[/i] ordered Commander Pingertian, now wearing his illustrous purple armor, and a large hat that fit snugly at the base of his horns, and did a pleasant job at blocking out the sun. These orders were fulfilled within twenty minutes - and soon the audience to the Bay Guard's mobilization was being pressed deeper into the city, the festivities continued as they were moved, however confused the people at the cusp of the crowd were. The job at quarantine was sloppy at best, but luckily the crowd had been diminished to a cluster of inquisitive civilians. The shapes now lazily approached within a proper distance, and the growing group of guards could see they rode upon wings much like their visiting party - but different, in some critical way. It was as if the organic, soft nature of the Angels had been sucked away, leaving strange husks that soared silently. There was a tense moment of silence as Gestun approached Pingertian, who now held an ornamental sword. He pointed the blade toward the sky, his belly hardly noticeable under the thick garment he wore now. The large Commander had been sounding off warnings, demanding in any language he had learned in his four hundred years of life that the Realta turn around. Gestun was about to say something to his higher up, when the onslaught suddenly began, a series of eight cutting lines of light bit into the formation of soldiers in a rhythmic fashion, Bay Commander Pingertian yelled in surprise when one passed him by, cleaving the soldiers to his left in half, leaving Gestun to his right. Already the small group of Bay Guards' numbers had been cut in half, and Pingertain angrily cried out. [i]"Fire! Spread out!"[/i] he exclaimed, causing the formerly tight formation to relax. Gestun was following his Commander's orders when his foot caught on the severed leg of a fellow archer, and he fell over on his side, crushing his own bow under his arm. The Realta then landed as suddenly as they fired, advancing in a line and fearlessly leaping into the face of the Alefprian resistance. They spun in regimented whirlwinds of death, cutting into flesh, and breaking soldiers under their relentless march towards Alefpria. Gestun spun his head left and right, unable to make sense of the spectacle before him. The Bay Commander, however, was aggressively engaging in a fight with one Realta, using his barbaric strength to effectively battle the apocalyptic monster. He tired each time he and the Realta's blades crossed paths, and the mechanical creature had no intent to stop its invested onslaught. However, he couldn't give up - he knew that if he fell, his men's morale would falter underneath the seemingly invincible invaders; and he had no intention to let this breach continue under his watchful blade. While warriors fell around him, Gestun unsheathed the unused blade of an infantryman beside him, and sank it into the back of the centermost Realta on a knee. Its attack of Commander Pingertian stopped for just a moment to acknowledge Gestun's blade, which allowed the Lifprasilian to cleave it in half. The stunned lookout behind the apparently slain Realta removed his hood in despair, and used this little victory to return his breath to normalcy, watching as the ten cavalrymen that had been dispatched earlier charged in to engage the seven remaining Realta. A shocking sight befell his eyes as one managed to cease the charge of a mannequin horse, throwing it overhead, and crushing its rider underneath. It pivoted around, firing another projectile into two riders, while the others shifted their attention to the wooden horses of Illunabar's creation. Gestun's comrades had been utterly destroyed, the Realta were littered with arrows, one of which was even skewered by a cavalryman's javeline, but they persisted still, having wittled the force meant to stop them down to twenty men. There was only one man on horseback now, but he was pulled off his horse by a gap in his stomach caused by a Realta's vengeful fist soon after Commander Pingertian turned to deliver orders to him. Now, the surviving twenty two Alefprians were surrounded by the seven Realta, all of which ceased their advance to only reinforce the air of dread surrounding the trapped guardsmen. The air was heavy with dust from stone buildings that had been structurally compromised from the Realta's destructive force, and the drone of the festivities beyond ceased. The white and gray caking the ground was only contrasted by the bright crimson flow of blood from mutilated Alefprian guards beneath Gestun's feet, who held his blade tight in anticipation for his demise. A sudden pale blue glow shimmered off the blood of the fallen guards, as the Alefprians, living and dead, found themselves falling into the swirling energy of a rather familiar portal that would open only for a moment, dragging them in and then closing its magical maw. Within a split second after that, a much smaller gate formed just behind the neck of one of the encircled Realta, as an arrow loosed at a tremendous velocity shot through, aimed at the small of its neck. The portal would close the moment the arrow itself entered the area, leaving no traces. Panting as he sat, bow in his hands, Belvast looked out to the guards he had saved, who were placed onto the grass beside him. [b][color=B05F3C]"Is...is there any injured? We need to treat them before they begin searching again."[/color][/b] he asked, his childish voice full of concern for the men and their dead. Once again, he was late...the Demigod who could be anywhere at any time, showed up late. All the remaining soldiers patted themselves, feeling limb and body for any injuries - but none had any. It seems the Realta left none injured. [i]"No!"[/i] they all began to reply, scattered responses echoing off the trees. The Commander amongst the flock stood, and saluted Belvast. [i]"Sir - we need to get back in there and alert the remaining guardsmen, if we harry too long the six attackers will reach the crowd and our losses will only increase."[/i] he explained to the Demi-God. [b][color=B05F3C]"Understood,"[/color][/b] the demicat said before the Commander and his flock of guardsmen would find themselves immediately dumped towards the closest and largest guard squadron nearby, while the demicat opted to distract the Realta, having confidence in his newfound sword training. Getting to train with the son of chaos himself was a pretty good learning experience. Unsheathing his sword, Belvast flung himself into a portal that was positioned directly atop a Realta, giving him the drop on it figuratively and literally. This time, he'd do a good deed with no promise of reward. It was about time that he did something for no good reason. Just like the good old days. The soldiers all ran to their barracks positioned just a mile away, but the Bay Commander had other plans for Gestun and three other warriors. They were ordered by him to help Belvast, and they did so with a reluctant leap into the portal after him. Gestun was the last in, luckily, because the first man suffered a knockout blow to the head, and the second barely dodged a ray attack from one of the five remaining Realta. Gestun saw that in the extremely short time they had taken away from the Realta attackers, they had already cleaved their way into the city, demolishing a number of buildings in their wake, and killing whatever hapless Alefprians that got in their way. There was screaming now, innocent people cried out in panic, or in mourning for those massacered, and Gestun was in the middle of it. He raised his sword to fight alongside Belvast, the other Warrior already doing so. Belvast was far from a perfected swordsman, but his divine abilities combined with his speed more than made up for that. As Belvast's shortsword, gleaming in the sunlight cut through the wing of one and grounding it, while Belvast's tails curled around his packed quiver and bow resting over his shoulder, showing unbelievable dexterity as the bow was plucked from his shoulder and an arrow following it, both grasped within his tails as he let a shot fly loose into a Realta's shoulder. It wasn't the best way to shoot, but it definitely meant that he could cover himself from behind. Taking note of the soldiers who had scarcely avoided death, Belvast opened a portal as a Realta attempted to break towards the civilians, forcing it to simply crash into another of its kind. He had to keep them focused on him. Otherwise, these men would be slaughtered. As the Realta that had collided began to recover and rise from the collision, a giant lance of Holy energy came crashing down onto them, piercing through both of them and extinguishing them. More lances and beams soon followed, quickly decimating the remaining Realta. Falas, Loth, and the other Angels descended from the sky and turned to face Belvast and the other soldiers and civilains. "[color=ec008c]Is everyone alright?"[/color] Falas asked them. Meanwhile, Loth looked down at what remained of the Realta in curiosity. Kneeling down and picking up what looked like a hand of sorts, Loth muttered to himself, "[color=00aeef]Very interesting. What on Galbar are you?[/color]" Gestun spun around to face the newcomers, the flaps of wings aggrivated him, scared him, even, after seeing what the Realta had done. He relaxed, however, when he saw they had more familiarity to themselves - they lacked the inorganic coldness of whatever attacked him. [i]"Uh - yes! Yes we are."[/i] Gestun replied to the heavenly hero, before falling to a kneeling bow at the approach of Lifprasil. The Demi-God moved wordlessly past, towards the corpses lining the street. [color=orange]"What happened here?"[/color] Lifprasil asked Belvast, simply, he couldn't muster anything else - his pride had turned to a deep sadness as he lowered himself to press a hand to the lifeless body of what was a person. Now a still thing, the slain woman's own life streamed out of a deep laceration in her shoulder. Gestun was shocked - seeing the Emperor he had thought of as a living god loom over something as small as one person out of the thousands he had under his charge. Belvast gulped and scratched the back of his right ear. [b][color=B05F3C]"I-I was in the fields, and I...I just...felt a voice telling me to come to the city as soon as I could. When I got here, these...things were attacking your soldiers. What ARE they?"[/color][/b] the demicat said, poking at one of the Realta's corpses with his shortsword. One paw was closed over the crystal dangling from his neck. What DID tell him to come here...It was more like a feeling. Lifprasil inhaled deeply, and stood like a specter over the bodies of fallen soldiers, and just innocent people. This was far too much, such mindless slaughter. His sadness began to boil, what little emotion in his cocktail of a soul evaporating into unhinged anger. He saw it, in the back of his head, the owl, and the name came to him. [color=orange]"Logos."[/color] Lifprasil breathed, the looming grayness now being cut away by hundreds of guardsmen, all of which began to scan up and down the decimated streets for survivors. [i]"They were chasing your steed, my lord, but when they landed, they began attacking our fiberling mounts with vicious animosity. My lord."[/i] Gestun explained and reiterated, still bent on a shaking knee. [color=orange]"I see. You may go, brave Gestun."[/color] dismissed the Emperor of Alefpria, using his senses to learn of the man's name. And go Gestun did, away from the horrors of what had just unfolded. Lifprasil looked back now, to Falas and Belvast, a blank expression on his almost emotionless facsimile of a face. [color=orange]"I believe more will come - these eight already decimated the men and women that I thought were capable in my stead, but I would presume more will come, and we must be ready."[/color] he said, lowly, as if suggesting something. "[color=ec008c]Then we'll be ready for them. We'll stop them for sure,[/color]" Falas promised. Turning to her Angels, Falas ordered, "[color=ec008c]Everyone, heal the wounded. Make sure those who are still breathing keep breathing.[/color]" The Angels quickly rushed over and began using Purity magic, repairing the wounds the Realta had inflicted. Falas then turned to Loth and asked, "[color=ec008c]Loth, what are these creatures?[/color]" By now, Loth had stopped examining the Realta and returned to Falas' side. "[color=00aeef]I don't know. In all my time spent traveling, I have never come across these beings before. I have a feeling that Lifprasil has an idea, though,[/color]" Loth answered, staring at Lifprasil. Lifprasil paused again, mulling over what he felt from these creatures. [color=orange]"Cold, lifeless beings created by the thing known as 'Logos', they have naught but malice within whatever mills itself as a replacement for a soul,"[/color] Lifprasil said in response. [color=orange]"These beings were created by very powerful means, not something just one god residing on this planet can do, and neither I, my heroes, or my stock of mortal soldiers would be able to fight off a larger number of these creatures if they amassed an army. Nor can I manifest beasts like this on my own volition."[/color] he then continued, delivering a crushing explanation. [color=orange]"Belvast, would you think it wise to call gods we're familiar with to Alefpria for assistance?"[/color] Lifprasil asked the small cat, trusting in his tiny wisdom. Belvast looked up at Lifprasil and nodded. [b][color=B05F3C]"I think its in everybody's interest that we stop these...things. I could get in touch with Illunabar, and maybe Astarte...though I think I may have to do something for her to be willing to meet with us." [/color][/b] the demicat stated, all the while clutching the small blue crystal hung across his neck. A familiar warmth that he felt made him feel at ease, his ears flattening out against his head. A name...Vowzra said it would tell him its name in due time. Whatever the stone was, Belvast was certain it was good. If it weren't for it, so many more soldiers would have died. Tucking the crystal beneath his silk armor, Belvast silently wondered if maybe...maybe it was time to visit his father's grave. "[color=00aeef]Help from Mother Niciel would not be unwelcome, I would think,[/color]" Loth added. "[color=00aeef]Falas and I can certainly convince her to aid us as well, assuming she is not already aware of the attack.[/color]" Falas nodded solemnly, and promised, "[color=ec008c]This 'Logos' being will pay for his crime against Galbar. None of these Realta will survive.[/color]" Lifprasil processed the options ascertained before him, he knew something had to be done, and the resounding animousity of the Realta only made such things more obvious. [color=orange]"They will not, these Realta,"[/color] started the angered Demi-God, already he transmissed his broiling displeasure within conjuction of his words. [color=orange]"I will build an army so profound, so fantastic, that the sovereignty of Galbar will be assured for a thousand years. They will be defenders against the transgressions of the harsh universe that Galbar is submerged within - they will be called: the Cosmic Knights."[/color] Lifprasil announced through the fibrous interlacings of the universe. These were the gods he hailed: [i]Jvan, to be the molder of flesh, Vestec, to thus spark this destructive flame, Astarte, to give it fuel, Niciel, to meter it And finally Illunabar, of whom he so trusted,[/i] These would be the mothers and fathers of the Cosmic Knights. [hider=To be continued...] -Lifprasil, Falas, Loth, and their respective groups of soldiers and Angels journey to Alefpria. A few sights were seen along the way. -Upon reaching Alefpria, a large crowd of soldiers of varying races greeted their returning leader with a loud chant. From the dazzling city to the number of races, the Angels were [i]very[/i] culture shocked. -After the parade was over, Loth, Falas, and Lifprasil have a small chat about establishing a permanent residence in Alefpria for Angels. -Meanwhile, Lifprasil's mount, Oveadia, was having its own fun in the sky when it came across some of Logos' Realta, which immediately turned hostile and attacked Oveadia, who retreated back to Alefpria. -The guards and the Realta do battle, but it became clear which side was stronger, as the Realta began to decimate Alefpria's forces, while the Realta take one loss in the process. -Belvast joins the fight and takes out another Realta. The soldiers regroup and attempt to aid Belvast, but some Realta break through and attack nearby civilians. -Belvast tries to keep the Realta away and focused on him, attacking and deflecting however he could. Fortunately, the Angels appear in time to wipe out the remaining Realta. -The battle over, the Angels get to work healing any injured, while Lifprasil, Falas, Belvast, and other relevant characters discuss what to do about Logos and the Realta. The help of a few Gods was suggested, to which many agreed to. -Lifprasil sends a message to Jvan, Vestec, Astarte, Niciel, and Illunabar to aid them. Thus was the beginning of the formation of the Cosmic Knights. [/hider]